AutomateWoo Version 6.0.25 Changelog

The latest version is AutomateWoo 6.1.0, Released on September 5, 2024

Here’s what’s changed in AutomateWoo Version 6.0.25

  * Add - Action to manage WooCommerce Membership statuses.
* Add - Support for one-click unsubscribe links in non-transactional emails.
* Dev - PHPCS for Campaign Monitor files.
* Dev - PHPCS for Order Actions files.
* Dev - PHPCS for WooCommerce Subscriptions related files.
* Dev - PHPCS for list-table, workflow-list and coupons-list.
* Dev - PHPCS for: Actions/Customer_Add_Tags, Actions/Customer_Remove_Tags and Actions/Customer_Change_Role.
* Fix - Input validation on variable modal fields.
* Fix - Security issues.
* Fix - The coupon code formatting to avoid the related Actions or Variables not working correctly.
* Fix - WC_Site_Tracking throwing a fatal error.
* Tweak - Add more logs when Active Campaign doesn't find the Contact Tag.
* Tweak - Compatible with the React 18 used since WordPress 6.2.
* Tweak - WC 9.0 compatibility.

View the full AutomateWoo Changelog

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