WooCommerce Subscriptions: Translation Issues?

If you are trying to translate the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin using WordPress’ free Codestyling Localization plugin, you are probably encountering problems. That’s because Codestyling Localization’s support for translating the plural forms of words is buggy. This is bad because the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin uses singular and plurals of words for billing terms like month/months. But … Continue reading

Offer Free Trials with WooCommerce Subscriptions

Sometimes, a free trial (try before you buy) is just the incentive needed to turn an on-the-fence lead into a paying customer. Enabling a free trial is easy with WooCommerce Subscriptions. Once you’ve chosen a product type of ‘simple subscription’ on a product page, go to General> “Free Trial” to define how long you’d like … Continue reading

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