WooCommerce API Manager: 3 Don’ts

In your mad dash to simplify your life by implementing the incredible WooCommerce API Manager, keep the following ‘don’ts’ in mind… Don’t allow ‘guest checkout.’ The plugin can’t securely manage interactions unless your clients have an account. Don’t test the plugin with orders created via users with the ‘Administrator’ role. This will result in an … Continue reading

WooCommerce Product Vendors: Blurry Images?

Are you using WooCommerce Product Vendors Extension? Are your featured and gallery images blurry, even after changing the image size in settings? Blurry featured image and gallery images are a common problem in general for WooCommerce, including sites that have installed the WooCommerce Products Vendors plugin. Luckily, the solution is painless: Go to WooCommerce Settings … Continue reading

WooCommerce API Manager: Change Subscriptions?

We think the WooCommerce API Manager is the best thing since sliced bread. It’s really the only efficient way to manage updates by letting you offer your customers automatic updates and API license keys. But what if you use WooCommerce Subscriptions? WooCommerce API Manager has got you covered. The plugin fully supports the WooCommerce Subscriptions … Continue reading

Gravity Form Lead Capture: Contextual Email Routing

The ability to add conditional logic to a field is one of the great features in Gravity Forms. Let’s say you’ve created a lead capture form letting users inquire about a specific product of interest to them. Conditional logic lets you, for instance, ask a lead to choose the software product they are interested in … Continue reading

Gravity Forms: Lead Capture Made Easy

With Gravity Forms, capturing leads from your website has never been easier. To be effective, a lead form has to be… Short, easy to read Contextual (showing the user only information relevant to their interest/needs) Easily emailed to the best person on staff to follow up with the lead Gravity Forms does the trick. By … Continue reading

WordPress Contact Us Form with Captcha

Worried about spam? Want your WordPress Contact Us form to include the nifty ‘captcha’ codes to verify the form submitter is a real person and not a bot? Gravity Forms Advanced Fields include a ‘Captcha’ field that you can drop and drag into any form you create (including a Contact Us form). To use the … Continue reading

WooThemes Real Estate Theme

Looking for an out-of-the-box real estate theme that integrates with WooCommerce? Look no further than the Estate theme by WooThemes! This clean, professional theme includes all the best of WooCommerce, plus real-estate specific goodies like… Google Maps integration Powerful front-end property search tool Custom post types and taxonomies Take the demo for a drive!

WooThemes Connect: Don’t Back-Date Posts

One of the great features of WooThemes themes is the built-in subscribe/connect feature. This nifty tool allows you to automatically push ‘posts’ such as news to your website’s social media pages (such as Twitter and Facebook). This is a great time-saver. But remember: Don’t back-date posts. Here’s why: ‘Editing’ the publication date on a post– … Continue reading

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