WooCommerce PayPal Advanced Payment Gateway Extension: SSL certificate needed?

No. You don’t need an SSL certificate to use the WooCommerce PayPal Advanced Payment Gateway Extension. However, there are two reasons you might want to get one anyway: Extra level of security for your website as a whole Avoid customers getting ‘mixed content’ warnings from their website browser. Any time your customers see a browser … Continue reading

WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin: Why do I still have to ‘complete’ orders?

By default, WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin follows the default WooCommerce behavior for orders: If the order is not both ‘digital’ and ‘downloadable,’ then the order will be set to ‘processing’ after payment. Why? By default, WooCommerce assumes you have a product that needs shipped. An order wouldn’t be ‘complete’ until you ship and then mark the … Continue reading

WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin: Suspended Subscriptions

What exactly happens when your customer ‘suspends’ a subscription product created with the WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin? No payments will be charged while the subscription is suspended. The customer’s ‘user role’ will be set to ‘inactive subscriber’ (this is the WooCommerce default). When the customer ‘re-activates’ the subscription… Payment schedule continues as normal (if customer reactivates … Continue reading

Does WooCommerce Product Vendors Extension work with Bookings?

Yep! In fact, WooCommerce Product Vendors Extension currently works best for sites selling time via the WooCommerce Bookings Plugin. That is, if you would like vendors in your marketplace to be truly independent in managing their own product orders. Woocommerce Product Vendors Extension Limitations Vendors can’t see orders. By default, vendors that have been defined … Continue reading

WooCommerce Recommendations Based on Customer Behavior

By default, WooCommerce lets you define ‘up-sell’ and ‘cross-sell’ products. This approach to recommending products to your customers has a major drawback: Recommended products are based on your ‘guess’ as to what your customers will consider relevant to the product they are currently viewing. This isn’t how Amazon and Netflix do things. These guys base … Continue reading

Reward Customers for Product Reviews! WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugin

Product reviews bolster consumer confidence. But sometimes it can be tough to get even satisfied customers to write reviews. WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugin will let you reward customers who review products by giving them points that can be used to purchase items in your store. Here’s how it works: Install the WooCommerce Points and … Continue reading

Name Your Price Extension: Perfect for fundraising!

The Name Your Price Extension turns any WooCommerce site into a fundraising machine. With this extension, you can… Let your users define their donation (no restrictions) OR ‘Suggest’ a minimum donation Set a minimum donation A real-world scenario: You are hosting a tai-chi class for the community. You don’t want to require payment, but would … Continue reading

WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin: Offer Membership Pricing, Content

You want to sell ‘memberships’ on your WooCommerce site. Then, you want ‘members’ to get special privileges– such as discounted pricing on products or access to ‘member only’ content. You want the privileges to end when the membership expires. Here’s how to do it! Managing Memberships with WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin Install all of the following … Continue reading

Gravity Forms Authorize.Net Add-On Version 1.6.3

Just UPDATED and Just $5! Gravity Forms Authorize.Net Add-On Version 1.6.3 OR…Get ALL Gravity Forms Add-Ons plus this one– Just $35! Includes the Gravity Forms for WordPress Plugin Already a Member? This Gravity Forms Add-On is now available from your account downloads page.

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