WooCommerce Bookings Availability Version 1.2.7 Changelog

* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.1.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 8.9.
* Dev – Bump WordPress “tested up to” version 6.6.
* Dev – Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.4.
* Dev – Update NPM packages and node version to v20 to modernize developer experience.
* Dev – Fix QIT E2E tests and add support for a few new test types.
* Dev – Exclude the Woo Comment Hook `@since` sniff.

WooCommerce GoCardless Gateway Version 2.8.0 Changelog

* Add – Display a note informing the customer if JavaScript is disabled or not supported in their browser.
* Fix – Ensure the “Cancel Payment & Subscription” order action is only visible while the payment status is in “pending_submission”.
* Fix – Ensure disconnecting your GoCardless account works properly.
* Fix – Ensure the GoCardless payment method is available only for supported currencies.
* Fix – Ensure the GoCardless payment gateway works correctly for guest customers when a default customer location is not set.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.1.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 8.9.
* Dev – Bump WordPress “tested up to” version 6.6.
* Dev – Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.4.
* Dev – Add an FAQs section to the readme file, including new details on how to connect multiple WooCommerce stores to a single GoCardless account.
* Dev – Removed old backward compatibility code, which was added to handle the update of the plugin’s main file to `woocommerce-gateway-gocardless.php`.
* Dev – Upgraded NPM and Composer packages and updated the Node version to v20 to modernize the developer experience.
* Dev – Add E2E tests for each Direct Debit scheme.

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