WooCommerce Groups Plugin Version 2.10.0 Changelog

* Update – WordPress 6.6 compatible.
* Update – WooCommerce 9.2 compatible.
* Dev – Added the groups_woocommerce_before_woocommerce_options_panel action.
* Dev – Added the groups_woocommerce_after_woocommerce_options_panel action.
* Dev – Added the groups_woocommerce_did_process_product_meta action.
* Dev – Added the groups_woocommerce_before_woocommerce_product_after_variable_attributes action.
* Dev – Added the groups_woocommerce_after_woocommerce_product_after_variable_attributes action.
* Dev – Added the groups_woocommerce_did_woocommerce_save_product_variation action.

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