Sensei Pro Version Changelog

* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.24.4
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.24.2
* Allow co-teachers to manage students
* Empty student list for co-teachers on Students page
* Hide lesson actions if lesson is not yet available because of content drip
* Send welcome email only on the day a student gets access to a course and not before
* Send welcome email to student when their access begins to that course, not when they are added to the group

WooCommerce Smart Coupons Version 9.18.0 Changelog

* New: Tested up to WordPress 6.7
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.4.1
* Fix: Resolved issue with coupon discount and store credit calculation in the frontend, email, and admin
* Fix: Auto apply coupon notice is not showing in the product page
* Fix: In custom table, column ‘date_expires’ is getting set to null when ‘wc_sc_expiry_time’ is null
* Fix: Under coupon’s setting ‘Actions’ tab, field ‘each with quantity’ appearing twice
* Fix: Discount row added by the plugin ‘Points and Rewards by WP Swings’ is not visible
* Fix: No discount applied by store credit when the entire code of the store credit is numeric
* Fix: Available coupons are not updating in the cart as expected
* Fix: Sometimes notice for database upgrade not going away when the cache is enabled
* Developer: Filter ‘wc_sc_show_email_addresses’ to manage display for ‘Sender’ and ‘Receiver’ email address
* Developer: Filter ‘wc_sc_batch_size_for_coupons_for_reminder’ for modifying the batch size for sending coupon expiry reminder email
* Update: Improved performance for custom table operations: creation, updates, auto-applying coupons, and displaying valid coupons
* Update: Performance improvement by moving codes meant for running once to appropriate function
* Update: Translation

WooCommerce Product Vendors Version 2.3.2 Changelog

* Fix – Ensure that the shipping address in vendor emails is rendered properly without HTML elements.
* Fix – Prevent deprecation notices by conditionally loading Navigation feature only for stores running WC <= 9.2. * Tweak - Wrap "Sold by" element with a paragraph. * Dev - Bump WordPress "tested up to" version 6.7.

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