WooCommerce Subscriptions Version 6.9.0 Changelog

* Add: New Customer Notification feature – sends reminder emails for upcoming subscription renewals, trials ending, and subscription expirations.
* Fix: Prevent adding products to the cart if a subscription renewal is already present.
* Update: Improved performance of wcs_get_subscription() when querying by product and customer or order.
* Update: Improved performance when checking limited subscription product availability.
* Update: Deprecate upgrading from versions of WooCommerce Subscriptions prior to 3.0.0 (released Jan 2020).
* Dev: Minor refactoring of `init` method in `WC_Subscriptions_Upgrader` class.
* Dev: Introduce the filter `woocommerce_subscriptions_synced_first_renewal_payment_timestamp` to enable plugins to modify the first renewal date of synced subscriptions.
* Dev: Update `get_post_meta()` calls to fetch product meta using CRUD getters.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 7.7.1

WooCommerce Redsys Gateway Version 25.2.0 Changelog

* NEW: InSite for Checkout Block with preauthorizartions, Subscripiton & pay with one clic.
* NEW: Select all logo modes of payment methods from Redsys advanced (Checkout Block only).
* UPDATE: Now the token with the highest ID is used for subscriptions.
* UPDATE: Removed all code for multisite.
* UPDATE: Improved performance functions.
* FIX: Undefined variable.

WooCommerce Pre-Orders Version 2.2.0 Changelog

* Add – Introduce support for pre-ordering Woo Subscriptions products.
* Add – Introduce the filter `wc_pre_orders_after_product_options_updated` within `WC_Pre_Orders_Admin_Products::save_product_tab_options()`.
* Add – Introduce the filter `wc_pre_orders_admin_script_data` within `WC_Pre_Orders_Admin::load_styles_scripts()`.
* Fix – Prevent the use of the Cash On Delivery payment gateway for Pre-Orders charged upfront.
* Dev – Fix failing E2E tests.

WooCommerce Bookings Plugin Version 2.2.0 Changelog

* Add – Ability to filter returned Bookings by `date_start_before` / `date_end_after`.
* Fix – If an error occurs, return `WP_Error` object instead of an error message in the `prepare_object_for_database` method.
* Fix – Ensure that bookings work correctly with the checkout block and that no duplicate bookings are created.
* Dev – Bump WordPress “tested up to” version 6.7.

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