WooCommerce Product Add Ons Version 7.3.0 Changelog

* Tweak – Important: Updated the template for displaying Price add-ons.
* Tweak – Supported decimal values for Price add-ons, based on the store’s decimal separator.
* Tweak – Removed use of global product variable in the context of the admin page.
* Fix – Fixed dates before 1970 in Date Picker add-on not being allowed.
* Fix – Fixed non-display of add-ons in single product block.

WooCommerce Subscriptions Version 7.1.0 Changelog

* Add: Compatibility with WooCommerce’s new preview email feature introduced in 9.6.
* Fix: Prevents PHP fatal error when wcs_can_user_renew_early() is called with a non-existent subscription ID.
* Fix: Prevent payment gateways that complete Change Payment requests asynchronously from blocking future attempts to update payment methods for all subscriptions.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that could lead to undefined variable when attempting to send a customer notification email with no order.
* Fix: Prevents the customer’s postal code being used as their billing city in the current session, following a change to payment details.
* Dev: Use the subscription’s customer ID during the `wcs_can_user_renew_early()` function call when sending customer notification emails.
* Dev: Fix PHP deprecated warnings caused by calling esc_url with null.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 7.9

WooCommerce Smart Coupons Version 9.22.0 Changelog

* Fix: Corrected net value stats of old orders where store credit made totals zero during the database upgrade
* Fix: Creation of dynamic property WC_Order::$sc_total_credit_used is deprecated
* Fix: Handle coupon validation during order created from YITH POS
* Fix: Correctly store gift purchase amounts in the selected currency with Aelia Currency Switcher
* Fix: Ensure coupon deductions align with the selected currency amount in Aelia Currency Switcher
* Fix: Manual discounts now persist when items are removed from admin-created orders [Admin]
* Update: Translations

WooCommerce Groups Plugin Version 2.12.0 Changelog

* Update – WordPress 6.7 compatible.
* Update – WooCommerce 9.6 compatible.
* Update – Requires at least WordPress 6.2.
* Update – Added the Requires Plugins header, requiring WooCommerce.
* Update – Updated the support link.
* Add – Added the Groups column to the Orders overview, showing group membership information for orders.
* Add – Added a user icon to the Groups column header in the Products overview.
* Fix – Fixed an alignment issue (column collapse) of the Groups column in the Products overview.
* Dev – Postponed translation loading to the init action.

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