WooCommerce Tier-Pricing Table Version 7.1.0 Changelog

* New: Priority options for global pricing rules.
* New: Additional template for the totals on the product page.
* Update: Redesign global pricing rules form.
* Update: Minimum required characters to find products and categories in the global pricing rules set to 1.
* Enhance: Speed optimization.
* Enhance: Additional tips over the plugin.

WooCommerce Product Vendors Version 2.3.4 Changelog

* Add – Multiple UI improvements for vendor admin forms.
* Add – Auto-fill the “Slug” field on the Create Vendor page, ensuring consistent slug formatting and streamlining the merchant experience.
* Fix – UI issues on vendor admin forms for fields Timezone, Vendor Admins, and checkbox alignment.
* Fix – Load the text domain on the `init` hook.
* Dev – Fix PHPUnit and E2E tests.
* Dev – Use the `@woocommerce/e2e-utils-playwright` NPM package for E2E tests.

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