WooCommerce Smart Coupons Version 9.19.1 Changelog
* Fix: PHP Notice: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly
* Fix: PHP Notice: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly
* Update – WP and WC Compatibility Tags.
* Fix: Fix in the admin when counting the number of products in a list. Prevents an error if the wishlist data is empty.
* Fix: Resolved compatibility issues with WordPress 6.7 caused by translating strings too early.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 7.7.2
* FIX: At some websites, blocks are not defined.
* Fix – Ensure the PO number is updated if the transaction ID is updated in the admin order screen.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.5.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.3.
* Fix – Ensures thank you message is translatable to non-English languages.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.5.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.3.
* Fix – Display issues when deleting products with bookings.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.5.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.3.
* New – Added compatibility with WordPress 6.7.
* New – Added support for pre-populating add-ons when clicking on a cart item link.
* New – Introduced the ‘woocommerce_pao_reset_file_link’ filter to modify the file input clear link.
* New – Introduced the ‘woocommerce_product_addons_cart_permalink’ filter to control when to pre-populate add-ons from a cart item link.
* New – Introduced the ‘woocommerce_product_addons_parse_cart_addons’ filter to modify the add-ons parsed from a cart item link.
* Tweak – Templates have been updated to support pre-populating add-on values.
* Tweak – Allowed decimal values for the Limit Price option for Price add-ons.
* Fix – Enforce minimum epoch date for date pickers in add-ons.
* Fix – Resolved an issue that caused global add-ons to not be saved when editing a variation order item in the admin context.
* Fix – Resolved an issue with price calculations that can result in the customer being shown the incorrect price on the product page with slow servers or connections.
* New – Important: Product Bundles now requires Product Add-Ons 7.2+ for the integration between the two plugins to work.
* New – Important: Product Bundles now requires Composite Products 10.2+ for the integration between the two plugins to work.
* New – Added support for pre-populating bundled product add-ons when clicking on a cart item link.
* Fix – Resolved an issue that caused order totals to be incorrectly updated when editing an bundled order item in the admin context.
* Fix – Resolved an issue that caused ‘Add to cart’ to be displayed instead of ‘Select options’ when a bundled product had required add-ons.
* Fix – Fixes an issue with Add-On validation when editing an order in the admin context.
* Fix – Resolved the deprecation introduced in WC 9.3.0 by inheriting the reporting class conditionally.
* Fix – Resolved an issue that made the remove-item endpoint return a wrongfully formatted value.
* Fix – Used correct icon for the Product Data > Bundled Products tab.
* Fix – Fixed queries producing database errors in the logs.
* Update – Handle the fix from 3.6.5 better. The data-formid attribute was not being added to the form element in all situations.
* Update – Bump script versions to force cache busting.
* Update – WC and WP Compatibility Tags.