WooCommerce Custom Start Date for WooCommerce Subscriptions Version 1.4.3 Changelog
*Fixed delay start date option display in variable subscription product
*Fixed issue with checkout for today start date and payment delayed
*Fixed delay start date option display in variable subscription product
*Fixed issue with checkout for today start date and payment delayed
* New – Introduced the ‘wcsatt_use_runtime_meta_from_db’ filter to optionally prevent runtime meta from being read/written from/to the database.
* Fix – Resolved incorrect tax calculations when adding a product with plans to a subscription.
* Fix: Re-includes the missing metas used to display the recipient user information on the admin. #449
* Fix: Fixes the initial order email not being sent after the latest changes to the user creation flow. #446
* Fix: Memberships access linked to purchasing a subscription product was not being granted to the gift recipient due to a bug in 2.8.0. #450
* Tweak: Update shipping notice copy to make it clearer. #447
* Tweak – WC 9.4 compatibility.
* Tweak – WP 6.7 compatibility.
* Add – New condition: Cart subtotal before applying the discount of coupons.
* Fix: Do not send products without an SKU. This is to prevent errors in submission
* Fix: Check status response of orders sent to fulfilment to prevent marking orders as sent when it failed.
* Fix – Ensure the PayPal Express button is only visible on the ticket product page when all ticket field data is entered and valid.
* Fix – Proper styling of Ticket Edit Page in the Twenty Twenty-Four default theme.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.4.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.2.
* Dev – Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.5.
* Feature – Add new setting to default delivery date at checkout to the first available date for delivery
* Fix – When evaluating shipping methods, address an issue that may have thrown a PHP warning in some installations
* Fix – Fixed compare button being missing when using the product collection on custom pages
* Misc – Require PHP 7.4 or newer
* Fix – Prevent fatal errors in the Xero connection process and enhance error handling.
* Dev – Bump WordPress “tested up to” version 6.7.
* Dev – Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.5.