WooCommerce Redsys Gateway Version 25.1.0 Changelog

* NEW: Filter redsys_order_number.
* NEW: Apple Pay Express Checkout (Checkout Block) for virtual products.
* NEW: New filter redsys_thankyou_page_text.
* UPDATE: PHP 8.2 & 8.3 compatibility, many notices fixed.
* UPDATE: New WooCommerce Debug API.
* UPDATE: Updated URLs to WooCommerce.com and plugins.joseconti.com.
* UPDATE: Updated Redsys Errors.
* UPDATE: Code is Poetry.
* FIXED: Problem with WordPress Multisite.
* FIXED: A log alway writed with InSite.
* FIXED: Bulk refunds in new installations.
* FIXED: Variable productos with SUMO Subscriptions.
* FIXED: Preauthorizations could only be used if the one-click payment is active or if it’s an InSite subscription.
* FIXED: Many PHP Warning: Undefined.

2024.04.16 – 25.0.2

* FIXED: 1clic payment

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