WooCommerce Smart Coupons Version 9.13.0 Changelog

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.3.3
* Fix: Removing a product from an order in the admin panel results in an incorrect coupon value calculation
* Fix: Ensure appropriate data type being used when transposing data to Smart Coupons custom table
* Fix: Replaced the dollar sign with ‘jQuery’ to prevent conflicts
* Update: Translations

WooCommerce Advanced Product Labels Version 1.3.1 Changelog

* fix – Autoload updated (fixes incidental issue with old updater initiated from another plugin)
* fix – Responsive fix in backend
* fix – Error when creating a new label, without configuring it
* fix – Custom CSS live update
* fix – Save button not activated on Advanced setting change (Woo 9.3+)
* add – Show variables with the label configuration
* add – {stock} variable, converts to quantity in stock for the product
* add – {sales} variable, converts to total sales for the product
* update – Clean formatting/styling on the back-end.

WooCommerce EU VAT Number Version 2.9.8 Changelog

* Fix – Prevent unnecessary SOAP requests if the VAT number is incomplete.
* Fix – Ensure the VAT Number tab works as an endpoint URL.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.4.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.2.
* Dev – Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.5.

Bulk Edit Products, Prices, and Attributes Version 2.2.0 Changelog

* Made compatible with WordPress 6.6
* Made compatible with WooCommerce 9.3
* Made compatible with WooCommerce Bundled Products
* Resolved compatibility issue with WooCommerce Product Search
* Fixed issue preventing the disabling of ‘Visible on product page’ and ‘Used for variation’ options under the attribute section
* Fixed issue where the undo option wasn’t working after disabling ‘Visible on product page’ and ‘Used for variation’ under the attribute section when variations already exist for those attributes
* Fixed issue preventing filtering of products or attributes in Cyrillic language
* Fixed issue where the attribute filter was filtering products based on the attribute rather than its specific value

WooCommerce Bookings Plugin Version 2.1.8 Changelog

* Add – Bookings section in My Account now includes breadcrumb heading.
* Fix – Prevent fatal error editing block cart and checkout pages when using WooPayments Express Pay buttons.
* Fix – Booking status now updates correctly from “In cart” to “Paid” or “Unpaid” after order status changes from “Failed” to “Processing” or “Completed”.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.4.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.2.
* Dev – Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.5.
* Dev – Added an E2E test for booking availability with a buffer.

WooCommerce Subscriptions Version 6.8.0 Changelog

* Fix: Restore Retry icon in Orders table for HPOS-enabled stores.
* Fix: Correctly updates a subscription status to `cancelled` during a payment failure call when the current status is `pending-cancel`.
* Fix: Clear the `cancelled_email_sent` meta when a subscription is reactivated to allow the customer to receive future cancellation emails.
* Fix: Prevent deprecation notices after updating to WooCommerce 9.3.
* Fix: Prevent PHP fatal error that occurs when calculating the total tax refunded on a subscription.
* Dev: Only initialise the `WCS_WC_Admin_Manager` class on stores running WC 9.2 or older. This class handled integration with the Woo Navigation feature that was removed in WC 9.3.

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