WooCommerce Wishlists Version 2.3.3 Changelog
* Update – WP and WC Compatibility Tags.
* Fix: Fix unbinding the wp_login event when users disable list transfering.
* Update – WP and WC Compatibility Tags.
* Fix: Fix unbinding the wp_login event when users disable list transfering.
* Fix – Use a separate country list for the report tax type when creating a tax rate in Xero.
* Dev – Update secret key encryption to use the Sodium library for token encryption.
* Dev – Upgrade the `xeroapi/xero-php-oauth2` SDK from version 2.20.0 to version 7.2.0.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.4.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.2.
* Dev – Bump WordPress minimum supported version to 6.5.
* Dev – Remove Xero OAuth 1.0 Authentication as it is fully deprecated.
* New: MSRP prices can be edited under “Quick Edit”
* New: MSRP prices are displayed on the product list screen (can be disabled)
* Update: WooCommerce compatibility up to 9.4
* update – Activity logs now display data for the last 7 days.
* update – Enhanced compatibility with list tables add-on.
* update – Overall stability enhancements.
* update – Improved compatibility with the scheduler add-on.
* update – Increased compatibility with the shipment tracking add-on.
* update – Increased the speed of the template edit and settings view pages.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2550 – Errors encountered with EPUB downloads using PDF Watermarker.
* Fix – Critical error during activation
* Fix – HPOS incompatibility notice was displaying accidentally
* New: Compatibility with WooCommerce v9.4
* New: Support for brand-restricted coupons in promotion feed
* Update: jQuery 4 compatibility fixes (looking ahead to WordPress 6.8)
* Update: Minor optimisations
* Fix: ACF fields will not be available to choose as pre-population options unless they are avalable on the product CPT
* Update – WordPress 6.6 compatible.
* Update – WooCommerce 9.4 compatible.
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.3.3
* Fix: Added validation to prevent new coupon application if ‘individual use’ coupons are already applied in the classic cart
* Fix: The coupon with the ‘For New User Only’ and ‘Auto Apply’ features was being incorrectly applied to all users, instead of being limited to new customers only
* Fix: Coupon applied by 1-click was not reflecting immediately
* Fix: The wpdb::prepare function was called incorrectly during the reset of the Smart Coupons custom table
* Developer: Added method ‘generate_coupon_url’ and filter hook ‘wc_sc_generate_coupon_url’ for handling & managing coupon URLs
* Update: A few file versions and added context in some translated strings
* Update: Translations