WooCommerce Segment io Connector Version 2.2.0 Changelog

* New: WordPress 6.6.2 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 9.3.3 compatible
* New: Declare Segment.io Integration for WooCommerce compatible with WooCommerce cart/checkout blocks
* New: Added event ‘Order Created’
* New: PHP 8.2 compatible
* Fix: Few Events like New user registered, Logged in, Logged out, Reviewed product, Calculated shipping, etc. not tracked correctly
* Fix: Discount showing incorrectly with price html tags in cart & order properties in events data
* Fix: Strengthen security [Thanks to: WooCommerce team]
* Fix: Categories not being sent over & shows an empty value for variable products
* Update: Woo.com links to WooCommerce.com
* Update: Code improvements
* Update: POT file

WooCommerce Smart Coupons Version 9.11.0 Changelog

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.3.2
* Fix: NULL value is getting set in Smart Coupons custom table where only boolean value is allowed
* Fix: In some cases, discounts are applying twice [WC Blocks]
* Update: Removed cart & checkout block info from WooCommerce > Status as it’s already available under WooCommerce > Status > WooCommerce Pages
* Update: URL cleanup by removing un-required parameter
* Update: Translations

WooCommerce Product Search Version 6.0.2 Changelog

* Update – WordPress 6.6 compatible.
* Update – WooCommerce 9.3 compatible.
* Dev – Added handling of JSON format to process the except parameter in the terms REST controller.
* Dev – When the setting to “Hide out of stock items from the catalog” is enabled, filter results now also include products which are available on back order along with those that are in stock.
* Add – Added the woocommerce_product_search_cache_control_marker_threshold filter and support for the WPS_CACHE_MARKER_THRESHOLD constant which allow to determine the value used as marker threshold.
* Add – Added type to term image data provided by the terms REST controller.

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