WooCommerce Product Bundles Version 8.1.0 Changelog

* New – Important: Product Bundles now requires Product Add-Ons 7.1+ for the integration between the two plugins to work.
* New – Added support for configuring bundled product add-ons in admin orders.
* Tweak – Rollback: Suppress cart change notifications for bundled items.
* Fix – Fixed HTML code appearing for bundled product titles on the admin page.
* Fix – Fixed an issue that disabled the ‘Proceed to checkout button’ in the Cart block after quantity updates.
* Fix – Resolved a display issue with bundled item prices in confirmation emails.
* Fix – Fixed an issue with duplicate membership discounts being applied with certain bundle configurations.

WooCommerce Product Add Ons Version 7.1.0 Changelog

* New – Important: Product Add-Ons now requires Composite Products 10.1+ for the integration between the two plugins to work.
* New – Important: Product Add-Ons now requires Product Bundles 8.1+ for the integration between the two plugins to work.
* New – Added support for configuring bundled product add-ons in admin orders.
* New – Added support for configuring component add-ons in admin orders.
* Fix – Support add-ons configuration in admin orders for variations.

WooCommerce Free Gifts Version 11.5.0 Changelog

* New – Supported compatible with WooCommerce Smart Cart plugin[Gift Products update related]
* Tweak – Supported Time configuration in the rule validity configuration
* Tweak – Supported Total type selection in the Total based Repeat Gift functionality[Order Total, Sub-Total, Category Total and Brand Total]
* Tweak – Tested with WordPress 6.6.1
* Tweak – Tested with WooCommerce 9.2.3

WooCommerce EU VAT Number Version 2.9.7 Changelog

* Add – Disable reports & display a notice when HPOS is enabled & syncing is disabled.
* Fix – Ensure the proper IP country is shown in the EU VAT section of the order screen.
* Fix – Ensure the VAT Number Field Label can be properly translated.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.2.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.0.
* Dev – Log API errors to improve debugging.
* Dev – Fix QIT E2E tests and add support for a few new test types.

WooCommerce Product Search Version 6.0.1 Changelog

* Update – WordPress 6.6 compatible.
* Update – WooCommerce 9.3 compatible.
* Dev – Added the order parameter to the terms REST controller’s collection parameters.
* Dev – Revised terms REST controller’s product processing to avoid sorting for efficiency.
* Dev – Revised shop REST controller’s taxonomy-data parameter handling to support passing the taxonomy as parameter instead of as key only in JSON.

WooCommerce Subscriptions Version 6.7.0 Changelog

* Fix: Resolved two issues preventing the correct display of the “Subscription items can no longer be edited.” message on the Edit Subscription page.
* Fix: Checks for the existence of `wc_get_page_screen_id` before calling it on `wcs_get_page_screen_id`, and for the admin context before calling `list_table_primary_column` to prevent fatal errors.
* Fix: Blocks the reactivation of a subscription when the end date is in the past.
* Fix: Ensure a subscription’s modified date is updated when its related order cache is updated on non-HPOS sites.
* Fix: Ensure trial period form data is set before use to prevent fatal errors when the data is missing.
* Fix: Resolved an error with coupon discount calculations for manual or early renewal orders on stores with tax-inclusive pricing.
* Fix: Add the theme-compatible button class to the switch button on the My Account > Subscription page.
* Dev: Removing the unused method `maybe_remove_formatted_order_total_filter` hooked to `woocommerce_get_formatted_order_total` which was deprecated.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 7.5.0

WooCommerce Tier-Pricing Table Version 7.0.0 Changelog

* New: Show tiered pricing block in the product catalog.
* New: Compatibility with the new WooCommerce react-based product editor.
* New: New API for the tiered pricing fields.
* New: Integration with Addify Request a Quote plugin.
* Update: Frontend script updated.
* Update: New hooks.
* Update: Removed legacy hooks support.
* Update: WooCommerce & WordPress compatibility.
* Update: Other minor enhancements.
* Fix: Allow minimum quantity to be set to null.
* Fix: Plaintext template variables issue.
* Fix: Custom columns: total column always shows the price with taxes.

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