WooCommerce MSRP Pricing Version 4.0.1 Changelog
* Update: Internal reorganisation & modernisation
* Update: WooCommerce compatibility up to 9.3
* Fix: Resolve issue where importer could record zero-value MSRPs
* Update: Internal reorganisation & modernisation
* Update: WooCommerce compatibility up to 9.3
* Fix: Resolve issue where importer could record zero-value MSRPs
* Fix – Improved speed of the attributes filter due to some customers have a lot of attributes.
* Fix – Fixed some issues with the language files
* Fix: sortable admin column query not working for all values, updated to be simpler and handle edge cases
* Fix: added update function for waitlist counts when using the update counts tool
* Fix – Automatic weight/dimensions not set early enough.
* Fix – Resolved deprecation notice in Cart block.
* Fix – Fixed fatal error in own version of WP_Background_Process.
* Fix: Query to fetch coupons failing when the customer’s account email & billing email is same
* Add: PLUGINS-2041 – Email address validation in settings.
* Version bump: checked compatibility for WP 6.6 and WooCommerce 9.2.3
* fixed: “Trying to access array offset on value of type null for $fee->gateway_option[WC_Add_Fees::OPT_KEY_OUTPUT]” on checkout page for very small values when fee amount = 0
* checked compatibility for WP 6.6 and WooCommerce 9.2.3
* correction below filter “wc_add_fees_wc_fees_calculated_done_check” was “wc_add_fees_wc_calculated_totals_done_check”
* Fix: Ensure composer autoload files are included in the build process