WooCommerce Gift Cards Version 2.0.0 Changelog

* Important – New: PHP 7.4+ is now required.
* Important – New: WooCommerce 8.2+ is now required.
* Important – New: WordPress 6.2+ is now required.
* Important – Removed all previously deprecated code.
* Fix – Included own copy of WP_Background_Process library to avoid conflicts with other plugins.
* Tweak – Improved success notices when manually editing gift cards delivery dates.
* New – Added the ability to partially pay for orders using a gift card via WooPayments 8.0.0+ and Stripe 8.6.0+.

AutomateWoo Version 6.0.30 Changelog

* Dev – Upgrade to use Node.js 20 and bump npm dependencies.
* Fix – HTML formatting in the Workflows timing column.
* Fix – Skip recurring jobs in the system check if the job is disabled.
* Fix – The days input of “When to run” in the “Customer Birthday” trigger is not properly hidden when adding new workflow.

All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions Version 6.0.0 Changelog

* Important – New: PHP 7.4+ is now required.
* Important – New: WooCommerce 8.2+ is now required.
* Important – New: WordPress 6.2+ is now required.
* Important – New: WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.1+ is now required.
* Important – Removed all previously deprecated code.
* Tweak – Improved matching plan and applying discounts when manually adding products to active Subscriptions.
* Fix – Improved code to prevent fatal error triggered sometimes when using wc_get_price_excluding_tax/wc_get_price_including_tax.

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