WooCommerce Smart Coupons Version 9.1.0 Changelog

* Fix: When Smart Coupons is active and WooCommerce is deactivated, it results in a fatal error
* Fix: The same block of JavaScript code is being added multiple times on the Checkout page
* Update: Added translation for the entire DateTimePicker of the plugin
* Update: Added information about whether the cart and the checkout page are block-enabled or not, under WooCommerce > Status
* Update: Improved the format of the data shown by the plugin and the format of the data coming in the report from the page WooCommerce > Status
* Update: Removed an extra space from the link ‘Smart Coupons Settings’ on the ‘Bulk generate’ page
* Update: Translations

WooCommerce Waitlist Version 2.4.11 Changelog

* Fix: Email not always being added to events waitlist form for logged in users causing silent error
* Added: Various fixes to comply with PHPCS
* Added: Filters to hide notices on the frontend (wcwl_show_notice_on_frontend)
* Added: Altered frontend flow to allow join/leave buttons to show without having to dismiss notices
* Added: Action hook to output custom HTML before submit button for waitlist forms (wcwl_before_form_submit_button)
* Added: Action hook to apply additional validation to waitlist join/leave requests (wcwl_process_waitlist_request_start)
* Added: Product ID/object to various frontend filters to allow for easier customisation
* Added: Deprecation notice for old supported products filter
* Added: Sorting products by waitlist count in the admin will now show all products (previously it did not return those with no waitlist data)

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