WooCommerce Amazon S3 Storage Version 3.0.2 Changelog

* Tweak – If buckets already exist in the connected S3 account, return the first available bucket as the default bucket in the plugin settings
* Tweak – Ignore approved download directories when using S3 storage for downloadable files
* Fix – Improve detection of download requests when parsing the S3 file URLs from a shortcode, to consistently serve a S3 file from frontend requests only
* Fix – Improve the handling and performance of the S3 file statuses in product variation

WooCommerce Deposits Version 2.3.4 Changelog

* Fix – Improved alignment of the “Enable Deposits” field description label on the Product Edit screen.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.5.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.3.
* Dev – Introduced a method to dynamically generate the Deposits settings tab URL.

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