Sensei Pro Version Changelog

* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.24.0
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.24.0
* Sanitize user’s display name
* Add support for VideoPress block on video integrations
* Fix students’ last activity date in Groups
* Sell course with woocommerce tour not appearing
* Show Groups in menu only for admins

WooCommerce Product Feeds Version 11.0.7 Changelog

* New: Add filter (woocommerce_gpf_include_image) to allow image exclusion
* Update: Make sure image_link is a proper URL in case something has made it relative
* Fix: Resolve issue where invalid data from WooCommerce Additional Variation Images could cause integration to fail
* Fix: Resolve issue where prepopulations from Germanized for WooCommerce weren’t rendered properly in the feed

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