WooCommerce Smart Coupons Version 9.26.0 Changelog

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.6.1
* Fix: Force shipping method selection when a coupon with free shipping and restrictions is applied manually
* Fix: Prevent duplicate queries caused by the Smart Coupons Blocks integration
* Update: Database upgrade notice for better clarity for the fix related to order analytics data
* Update: Translations

AutomateWoo Version 6.1.6 Changelog

* Fix – Add translator comments to assist in translations.
* Fix – Cache coupon count and use a direct SQL query to count the totals.
* Tweak – Add flush_group to the cache helper class.
* Tweak – Highlight the OR condition for rule groups.
* Tweak – PHPCS fixes for variable classes.

WooCommerce Bookings Plugin Version 2.2.3 Changelog

* Add – WooCommerce Bookings prefix in all notices.
* Fix – Issue with “Book Now” button display in block-based themes.
* Fix – Resolved “translation loading was triggered too early” issue in WordPress 6.7.
* Fix – Resolved an issue where the date picker in resource range editing was blocked by the AM/PM selector.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.6.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.4.
* Dev – Use the `@woocommerce/e2e-utils-playwright` NPM package for E2E tests.

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