WooCommerce Anti Fraud Version 3.2 Changelog

Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce Anti Fraud Version 3.2

* PLUGINS-752-jQuery-ui conflict with other plugins (jQuery-Knob)

2020-10-30 version 3.1
* PLUGINS-746-Per-Payment fraud check issue fixed.
* PLUGINS-758-Updated the logic for checking of billing phone with Billing country rule.

2020-10-06 version 3.0
* PLUGINS-640-Replaced the checkbox with the switch button in the “Minfraud settings” section.
* PLUGINS-709-Added feature to bypass the “On-hold” and “Cancel” order rules.
* PLUGINS-710-Added new rule to check billing phone with Billing country.
* PLUGINS-694-Add quick links to Installed Plugins Screen.
* PLUGINS-667-Paypal Email address issues fixed and added a feature to starts supporting Paypal Express checkout process.
* PLUGINS-671-Add feature-added option Enable Fraud Check Before Payment.
* PLUGINS-696-Admin screen improvements

2020-09-25 version 2.9.1
* PLUGINS-712-Fixed the Cron tasks issue.

2020-09-11 version 2.9
* PLUGINS-643-Added cron scheduler that runs once every hour, for past 7 days orders which has not been checked, or orders which has, for some reason, been missed out.
* PLUGINS-638-Added description for “Device Tracking” settings option.
* PLUGINS-637-Update label for “Cancel Score” settings field.
* PLUGINS-657-Fixed enable first-order check for processing orders issue.
* PLUGINS-646-Fixed the visible graphics of risk score circle.

2020-09-02 version 2.8
* PLUGINS-554-Added feature to support Minfraud scoring system.

2020-07-16 version 2.7.5
* PLUGINS-482-Add Block IP address feature

2020-07-16 version 2.7.4
* PLUGINS-516-Fixed cancelled order bug.

2020-07-10 version 2.7.3
* PLUGINS-421 PLUGINS-339 Fixed Email and order status function for WC 4.0
* PLUGINs-405 Fixed First Order Message Changed.
* PLUGINS-348 Fixed Whitelist function issue.
* PLUGINS-406 Paypal email verification issue.

2020-05-25 version 2.7.2
* PLUGINS-124-Fixed verify froud email or generated email

View the full WooCommerce Anti Fraud Changelog

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