WooCommerce Composite Products Extension: What’s new in 3.0.4?

The latest version of WooCommerce Composite Products Extension includes several tweaks and fixes. Here’s a run-down:

NOTE FROM DEVELOPER- Review any custom code based on ‘woocommerce_add_to_cart_composite_validation’!

4 Tweaks…
Replaced ‘WC_Bundled_Stock_Data’ with ‘WC_CP_Stock_Manager’, which accurately passes purchased items into ‘woocommerce_add_to_cart_composite_validation’

Pass composite product into the composited-product templates.

Pass composite product into the ‘woocommerce_composited_product_quantity’ filter.

Indent composited items in e-mail templates.

2 Fixes…
Shipstation compatibility fixed.
Fatal error when a product is added to the cart with Wishlists installed fixed.

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