WooCommerce Follow Up Emails Extension, Version 4.8.21 Changelog

WooCommerce Follow Up Emails Extension, Version 4.8.21 Released on January 13, 2020Download latest for just $10!

WooCommerce Follow Up Emails Extension, Version 4.8.21 Changelog

* Fixed: Abandoned cart conversation time settings field missing.
* Fixed: Abandoned cart was not being sent for guest users.
* Fixed: WP URL is used instead of Site URL for tracking links.
* Fixed: Subscription template email endless loading when trying to select specific products.
* Fixed: Embedded links on email template are not redirecting properly.
* Fixed: Sending email in batches shows an error and prevents sending.
* Fixed: Accommodate change of email addresses by customers for subscriptions.
* Fixed: Extra `http://` added breaks links, when using URL variables.
* Fixed: Shortcode {cart_contents} used in an abandoned cart email shows code rather than the
* Fixed: Add nonce check to Reports page bulk action form.
* Fixed: Deleted Product causes fatal on attempt to send.

* Tweak-Outdated JQuery reference in circliful directory causing PCI compliance failure.
* Tweak-Increase width of category dropdown field.
* Tweak-WC 3.9 compatibility.

Already a member? WooCommerce Follow Up Emails Extension, Version 4.8.21
is now available from your account downloads page.
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