WooCommerce GravityForms Product Add Ons Version 3.5.0 Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce GravityForms Product Add Ons 3.6.3, Released on June 26, 2024

Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce GravityForms Product Add Ons Version 3.5.0

      * Update: Track a hash of the gravity form's fields for use in the check_cart_items function.
    * Update: Added check_cart_items which will run checks to make sure the form has not been modified since the user added an item to their cart.
    * Update: On reorder, allow for the option of revalidating or resubmitting the form.
    * Update: Add a wc_notice during cart validation if invalid.
              This helps with AJAX add to cart features from themes and other plugins which don't properly handle the return value of the woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation function.
    * Update: WC and WP Updates.
    * New: Added filter, woocommerce_gforms_check_cart_items, to allow disabling the check_cart_items function.
    * New: New options for the woocommerce_gforms_get_product_form_data filter.
                reorder_processing: ['revalidate', 'resubmit', 'none'] - Determines what to do when a user reorders a product. Defaults to revalidate.
                reorder_hydrate_defaults: [true, false] - Determines if the form should be hydrated with the default values from the form if needed to resubmit the entry. Defaults to true.

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