WooCommerce Lightspeed POS Integration (Point of Sale), Version 1.7.1 Changelog

WooCommerce Lightspeed POS Integration (Point of Sale), Download Version 1.7.1 Download the latest for just $15!

WooCommerce Lightspeed POS Integration (Point of Sale), Version 1.7.1 Changelog

* New- New “wclsi-error” log under WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs; tracks sync errors and other various issues with the plugin

* Fix-If multiple items are added to the cart, the plugin would get a 429 error trying to check inventory levels in Lightspeed
* Fix-On checkout, the plugin can now handle updating multiple items on checkout/order completion
* Fix-Bulk updates on import page are now throttled and should no longer show 429 errors
* Fix-Image sync would throw a fatal error, now should write to error log
* Fix-Hotpatch for fixing NULL item_id values (only fixes simple/single products)

* Tweak-wclsi-debugger.log will now only record active sync changes, instead of all activity
* Tweak-Code cleanup & optimizations

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WooCommerce Lightspeed POS Integration (Point of Sale), Download Version 1.7.1 Released on January 1, 2020, is now available from your account downloads page.
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