WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator Version 3.23.6 Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator 3.23.6, Released on August 12, 2024

Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator Version 3.23.6

  * Fix - Avoid "division by zero" fatal errors when adding some items to cart
* Tweak - The number of decimals used when rounding can now be adjusted using the "wc_measurement_price_calculator_measurement_precision" filter (recommended when dealing with very small values)
* Tweak - Update product data lookup table with correct minimum and maximum prices, this ensures MPC products can be accurately sorted by price
* Fix - Ensure prices are displayed correctly when using these settings: prices entered exclusive of tax, prices displayed including tax


View the full WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator Changelog

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