WooCommerce Product Bundles Version 6.12.0 Changelog

Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce Product Bundles Version 6.12.0

* Important-Product Bundles now requires WooCommerce 3.6+.
* Feature-Added integration with the Revenue Analytics of Composite Products.
* Feature-Made it possible to remove optional bundled items in the Cart page.
* Fix-Make sure original bundled item price is displayed when the bundled item has a discount.
* Fix-Prevent bundled products from being reported as ‘on backorder’ in bundles, unless backordering requires notification.
* Fix-Allow bundle-sells discounts granted by Composite Products, bundled products, and composited products to be applied to other products in the cart.
* Fix-Update ‘Edit in Cart’ query string to include bundle quantity.
* Fix-Fixed an infinite loop affecting discounts when using Memberships. Thanks @Alex for pointing this out!
* Fix-Fixed a fatal error that is triggered by invalid ‘wc_pb_notice_options’ values.
* Fix-Fixed PHP notice triggered when a non-numeric value is used in ‘WC_Product_Bundle::calculate_price’.
* Tweak-Bundled items are now displayed under composited Bundles in the mini cart when the ‘Item Grouping > Flat’ is selected.

View the full WooCommerce Product Bundles Changelog

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