WooCommerce Product Bundles Version 6.14.0 Changelog

Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce Product Bundles Version 6.14.0

* Fix-Recalculate bundled item stock status when the ‘Min Quantity’, ‘Filter Variations’ or ‘Optional’ setting changes.
* Tweak-Made it possible to remove individual optional items that are part of an ungrouped bundle with mandatory items.
* Tweak-Move Composite Products integration module code into Product Bundles.
* Fix-Display the ‘Additional Information’ tab for unassembled Product Bundles with physical items.
* Tweak-Refactored ‘WC_Product_Bundle::apply_subs_price_html’ and introduced ‘WC_Product_Bundle::apply_subs_calculate_price_data’ which can be used to update Bundle structured product data to include subscription prices.
* Tweak-Use new WooCommerce brand colors.
* Fix-Fixed issue that prevented Bundle-Sells from being imported via the REST API.

View the full WooCommerce Product Bundles Changelog

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