WooCommerce Product Vendors? Two more plugins you need!

WooCommerce Product Vendors Plugin is a fantastic plugin but–just recently released from WooThemes–is still in its infancy.

If you are frustrated with the plugin’s native handling of Shipping and Vendor Notifications, you are not alone. While we wait for WooThemes to integrate a more robust native handling of this functionality in later versions, here are two plugins they recommend as a work-around.

Shipping? WooCommerce Per Product Shipping Extension

Currently, shipping extensions such as UPS, FedEx, USPS are not compatible with WooCommerce Product Vendors Extension as these plugins accept one zip code per website while most marketplaces feature vendors shipping for varying zip codes.

WooThemes recommends the following workaround: You may set allow each vendor to set their own shipping prices per product by purchasing the WooCommerce Per Product Shipping Extension—Just $15 from WPspring.

Order Notifications? WooCommerce Advanced Notifications Plugin

Let vendors know by email that there is an order for their product/s using the WooCommerce Advanced Notifications Plugin— Just $9 from WPspring. This plugin can also be configured to alert vendors to backorders, low stock, etc.

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