WooCommerce Redsys Gateway Version 19.0.0 Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce Redsys Gateway 25.3.5, Released on December 19, 2024

Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce Redsys Gateway Version 19.0.0

* NEW: Requieres WC >= 4.0
* NEW: Declared compatibility with WordPress 6.1
* NEW: Declared compatibility with WooCommerce 7.1
* NEW: (BETA) Added compatibility with HPOS.
* NEW: Now you can send a link to add a credit card from the user edit screen.
* NEW: Now you can select in Edit product > Redsys that a product has to be preauthorized.
* New: Now hide all methods not compatibles with Preauthotizations when in Edit product > Redsys is preauthorize active.
* New: New options at Redsys redirections and Redsys in the Checkout. Now you can select if the method is shown for all countries or related to Banking redsys Network.
* NEW: New filter for adding a custom message when a link for adding a credit card is sent: "redsys_mail_add_token"
* NEW: New filter for adding a custom message in the Checkout when a credit card is needed: "redsys_text_get_token"
* NEW: New filter for modifying description in Redsys website: "redsys_product_description"
* NEW: New filter for modifying text add cards in My Account > Payment Method  > Payment Method: "text_add_card_my_account"
* NEW: New action "redsys_payment_fields"
* NEW: New action "save_field_update_order_meta"
* NEW: New action "redsys_post_payment_complete"
* NEW: New action "bizum_post_payment_complete"
* NEW: New action "directdeb_post_payment_complete"
* NEW: New action "insite_post_payment_complete"
* NEW: New action "masterpass_post_payment_complete"
* NEW: New action "paygold_post_payment_complete"
* NEW: New action "redsys_post_payment_error"
* NEW: New action "bizum_post_payment_error"
* NEW: New action "directdeb_post_payment_error"
* NEW: New action "insite_post_payment_error"
* NEW: New action "masterpass_post_payment_error"
* NEW: New action "paygold_post_payment_error"
* NEW: Declared compatibility with WooCommerce 7.1.
* NEW: Declared compatibility with WordPress 6.1.
* NEW: Now, PSD2 & Global Classes generate its own logs when WP_DEBUG is set to true.
* NEW: Renamed WooRedsysAPIWS to WooRedsysAPIWs to avoid Classes Conflict.
* NEW: Renamed RedsysAPI to WooRedsysAPI to avoid Classes Conflict.
* NEW: If WP_DEBUG is defined as true, you will get more logs from different special classes and files.
* NEW: Added new Redsys Transactions response.
* NEW: Deprecation global function get_post_edit_url(), update it to get_order_edit_url().
* IMPROVED: InSite now accepts Fallback authentication.
* IMPROVED: InSite now accepts non-PSD2 Credit Cards.
* IMPROVED: Now Redsys get a subscription token in Edit products Redsys tab works with all product types.
* IMPROVED: Now hide all methods incompatible with the Subscriptions token when Edit product > Redsys gets the token active.
* IMPROVED: Updated string "Order Payment refunded" to "Order Payment refunded by Redsys".
* IMPROVED: Added "failed" Status as not paid.
* IMPROVED: The redirection to Redsys has been updated from a custom URL to Redsys WooCommerce Endpoint. I have made this change so that plugins that break custom endpoints take care of the endpoint gateways generated by WooCommerce.
* IMPROVED: Transaction Errors are now shown in Checkout.
* FIXED: Now, the customer Name is sent again with Bizum.
* FIXED: Fixed a fatal error when there is a pay error.
* FIXED: Fixed a fatal error sending an error email with Preauthorizations.
* FIXED: Now the Tokens fields are not shown in Network > User Edit.
* FIXED: It now saves the Redsys order number in some processes that previously did not.
* FIXED: Fixed HTML code that breaks the Add Method Page when there is more than one method.
* FIXED: Fixed a notice about permission_callback endpoint API needing definition __return_true.
* FIXED: Fixed email sent to customers when there is a credit card payment.
* FIXED: Now the customer name is sent to Redsys with Subscriptions renew.
* FIXED: Renamed class Plugin_List_Links() to Plugin_List_Links_Redsys_Premium() because the new version of the official Redsys plugin has copied my plugin code to their plugin and causes a fatal error when both are active.

View the full WooCommerce Redsys Gateway Changelog

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