WooCommerce Smart Coupons Extension, Version 4.5.2 Changelog

WooCommerce Smart Coupons Extension, Version 4.5.2-Just $15!

WooCommerce Smart Coupons Extension, Version 4.5.2 Changelog

* Discount not applied on taxes from AvaTax with Apply before tax setting disabled
* ‘Select options’ button not visible for any amount gift certificate product on shop page after adding the gift certificate product into the cart
* Adding sender email to ‘woocommerce_email_header’ and ‘woocommerce_email_footer’ actions while sending an acknowledgment email to sender[WC Standard]
* Duplicate call to WC_SC_Background_Coupon_Importer::is_process_running in some cases

* Filter ‘wc_sc_linked_coupon_text’ to change the text shown for linked coupons on linked product page
* Filter ‘wc_sc_force_show_invalid_coupon’ to allow showing of coupons which are invalid due to cart requirements like minimum order total or products
* Action ‘wc_sc_no_available_coupons’ to show custom message when no coupons are available for logged-in user

* Removing dependency on Action Scheduler library in checking of background process status​
* POT file

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WooCommerce Smart Coupons Extension, Version 4.5.2  Released on December 19, 2019, is now available from your account downloads page.

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