WooCommerce Smart Coupons Version 4.12.1 Changelog

Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce Smart Coupons Version 4.12.1

* New: Tested upto WooCommerce 4.6.2
* Fix: Email not sending for purchased coupons which are scheduled to be sent ‘LATER’
* Fix: Not checking order statuses while validating new user coupon in the case of guest users
* Fix: Sometimes showing fatal error if a coupon which is about to be displayed is deleted
* Fix: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context from 2 templates: email.php & combined-email.php
* Fix: JavaScript error: Trying to declare the variable a second time
* Update: Hook ‘wc_sc_max_coupon_to_show_on_myaccount’ & setting ‘wc_sc_setting_max_coupon_to_show_on_myaccount’
* Update: Limit on the number of coupons to be loaded in the coupons tab on the my account page
* Update: Improvements in coupon tabs on the my account page such that segments will get loaded only if it has some data
* Update: Use coupon setting ‘Exclude sale items’ during generation of coupon description
* Update: Set the position of Print button to right on my account page
* Update: Minor change in logic of displaying coupon to ensure correct number of coupons to display as per setting
* Update: POT file

View the full WooCommerce Smart Coupons Changelog

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