WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin: Offer Membership Pricing, Content

You want to sell ‘memberships’ on your WooCommerce site. Then, you want ‘members’ to get special privileges– such as discounted pricing on products or access to ‘member only’ content. You want the privileges to end when the membership expires. Here’s how to do it!

Managing Memberships with WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin

Install all of the following plugins:

Step 1: Create a member ‘group’

Install the free ‘Groups’ plugin by itthinx.

Go to the ‘Groups’ > ‘Capabilities’> ‘New Capability.’ Add a capability to assign the member group you are about to create (You can call it ‘member’).

Subscriptions Memberships: Add Capability

Now create a member group: ‘Groups’> ‘Groups’> ‘New Group.’ Add a group to assign the capability you just created to. You can call it ‘member’ too. Assign the capability ‘member.’ Click ‘Add.’

Subscriptions Memberships: Add Group

Step 2: Create a member ‘subscription’ product to sell

You have WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin installed, so you can now ‘Add product’ from WooCommerce. To make that product a subscription product, under ‘Product Data’ choose ‘Simple Subscription’.

Under ‘Product Data’> ‘Groups’ choose the ‘member’ group you created. This tells WooCommerce to assign any customer who successfully purchases this product to the group you select under ‘Add to groups.’ Save.

Memberships Subscriptions: Assign Group

Step 3: Assign special pricing / discounts to your ‘member group’

To define special pricing/discounts for your ‘member’ group, go to WooCommerce> Dynamic Pricing> Add Pricing Group.

Below, we’ve added a general 20% discount rule to any customer in the ‘member’ group.


Step 4: Create ‘member only’ access to content.

For every post/product/page, you will now have access to an ‘Access Restrictions’ widget on the top right of your edit screen. You will add a ‘group’ here if you want to require that users be a member of that group in order to view the post/product/page.

You should be able to check the ‘show groups’ box and choose the group. However, sometimes this is buggy. If no groups show after clicking ‘show groups’ you can paste the group or capability name into the ‘quick-create group & capability’ and hit enter. The ‘group access’ field should populate with your pasted choice.

Subscriptions Memberships: Access Restrictions

Now… members will see only the content you have given members access to. Members will see any pricing adjustments reflected on the product page itself (not just the cart page).

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