WooCommerce Subscriptions Version 3.0.6 Changelog

Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce Subscriptions Version 3.0.6

* Tweak: Add placeholder explanation for the upcoming recurring report. PR#3655
* Tweak: Add a link to QuickForget.com in the IPN error notice. PR#3744
* Fix: Fix COD gateway availability for trial subscriptions. PR#3740
* Fix: Fetch customer error notice messages on the change payment method page in WC post 3.9 version compatible way. PR#3730
* Fix: Don’t reduce stock for items added to a subscription manually via admin screen. PR#3725
* Fix: Only display the automatic renewal note in emails when there’s a next payment. PR#3679
* Fix: Use the interval to calculate first payment date for synced products. Fixes an issue that caused a purchase outside the sync grace period to not account for the subscription interval. PR#3303
* Dev: Add two new action hooks before and after change payment submit button. PR#3718
* Dev: Add a new helper function wcs_trial_has_passed(). PR#3289
* Dev: Replace uses of cal_days_in_month() with a date() equivalent. PR#3734
* Dev: Make various changes to improve coding standards. PRs#3748, #3749, #3753

View the full WooCommerce Subscriptions Changelog

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