Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce Waitlist Version 2.2.0
* Fix: Admin user getting logged out when user created in back end
* Fix: opt-in option not hidden when processing waitlist request
* Fix: array check warning for multisite when switching versions with WC beta plugin
* Fix: adjusted javascript to re-use existing styles to display elements on show()
* Fix: error when trying to use functions from WPML extensions that are not active
* Fix: export not organising emails correctly
* Fix: some events showing duplicate waitlists
* Fix: console error when events data not defined
* Added: filter to adjust/add more admin email recipients
* Added: guest sign up for Waitlists
* Added: customer signup email (with unsubscribe link) when not creating users
* Added: option to force login when user is created
* Added: waitlist panel to events edit page
* Added: javascript for frontend AJAX actions
* Added: “You have been removed from waitlist” emails
View the full WooCommerce Waitlist Changelog
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WooCommerce Waitlist Version 2.2.0 Released on October 12, 2020, is now available from your account downloads page. Sign up at