WordPress Plugin Projects

WPspring has created several useful plugins to simplify your workflow when using the commercial plugins that we sell.

We’re calling it the ‘Remove Annoying Messages’ Collection. These plugins are available free for download at WordPress.org

Null Advanced Custom Fields Pro

This plugin makes it easy to enabled the disabled features of ACF Pro without adding a license key. To activate, enter the license 12345=

Remove Yoast License Warning

This plugin removes the Yoast License Warning from the WP Admin header and Plugins page.

Remove Gravity Forms License Notice

This plugin makes it easy to remove the Gravity Forms license notices from the WP Admin plugins page.

Remove Woothemes Updater Plugin Notice

This plugin makes it easy to remove the WooThemes Updater Plugin Notice from the top of your WordPress Admin page, for WooCommerce 3.0x and below. Formerly, WooCommerce premium plugins prompted installation of the WooCommerce Helper and thereafter, displayed license warnings in WP-Admin headers. This plugin will remove those notices.

Remove The Events Calendar PRO License Warning

This plugin removes the Events Calendar PRO license warning from the WP Admin header.

Remove WooCommerce Connect Your Store Notice

This plugin makes it easy to remove the WooCommerce.com Connect Your Store notice from the WP-Admin header.

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