WooCommerce AutomateWoo – Refer A Friend Extension Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce AutomateWoo – Refer A Friend Extension 2.8.5, Released on February 18, 2025

Changelog for WooCommerce AutomateWoo – Refer A Friend Extension

  *** AutomateWoo - Refer A Friend Add-on ***

2025-02-18 - version 2.8.5
* Tweak - WC 9.7 compatibility.

2025-01-15 - version 2.8.4
* Dev - Fix PHP unit tests - install svn.
* Tweak - WC 9.6 compatibility.

2024-12-18 - version 2.8.3
* Dev - Fix PHP unit tests - install svn.
* Tweak - WC 9.5 compatibility.

2024-12-03 - version 2.8.2
* Fix - Prevent translations from being called early.

2024-11-14 - version 2.8.1
* Dev - Fix missing blueprint dependency.
* Tweak - WC 9.4 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 6.7 compatibility.

2024-09-05 - version 2.8.0
* Break - Remove WooCommerce Navigation integration.
* Dev - Apply PHPCS to admin.php.
* Tweak - Move `automatewoo-referrals-admin` script to the footer.
* Tweak - WC 9.3.0 compatibility.

2024-08-28 - version 2.7.25
* Reuse upstreamed classes, add support for WC 9.3.

2024-08-14 - version 2.7.24
* Tweak - WC 9.2.0 compatibility.

2024-08-06 - version 2.7.23
* Dev - Upgrade to use Node.js 20 and bump npm dependencies.

2024-07-09 - version 2.7.22
* Tweak - WC 9.1 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 6.6 compatibility.

2024-06-18 - version 2.7.21
* Tweak -  Replace woo.com references with woocommerce.com.

2024-06-12 - version 2.7.20
* Tweak - WC 9.0 compatibility.

2024-05-14 - version 2.7.19
* Tweak - Bump minimum supported AutomateWoo version to 6.0.20 to require PHP 7.4.
* Tweak - WC 8.9 compatibility.

2024-04-16 - version 2.7.18
* Dev - Add QIT workflow.
* Dev - Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2.
* Dev - Bump tar from 6.1.13 to 6.2.1.

2024-04-09 - version 2.7.17
* Tweak - Add WP 6.5 Require plugins header.
* Tweak - WC 8.8 compatibility.

2024-03-12 - version 2.7.16
* Dev - Bump es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.64
* Dev - Bump ip from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
* Tweak - WC 8.7 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 6.5 compatibility.

2024-02-07 - version 2.7.15
* Tweak - Declare feature compatibility for the new product editor (also called product block editor).
* Tweak - WC 8.6 compatibility.
* Update - Set default minimum purchase amount.
* Update - Twitter branding to X.

2024-01-09 - version 2.7.14
* Dev - Enable HPOS in unit tests with method compatible in WC 8.4.
* Dev - Enable unit testing for PHP 8.3.
* Tweak - Bump minimum supported AutomateWoo version to 6.0.2.
* Tweak - WC 8.5 compatibility.

2023-12-12 - version 2.7.13
* Dev - Update WordPressCS to version 3.0.
* Dev - Update phpunit polyfills to 1.1 for WP 6.4.
* Tweak - WC 8.4 compatibility.

2023-11-08 - version 2.7.12
* Dev - Declare the plugin as compatible with Cart & Checkout blocks.
* Tweak - WC 8.3 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 6.4 compatibility.
* Update - Use new Woo.com domain.

2023-10-04 - version 2.7.11
* Dev - Replace missed version and since tags.
* Tweak - Add documentation link with UTM parameters.
* Tweak - Declare incompatibility with Cart & Checkout block.
* Tweak - WC 8.2 compatibility.

2023-09-14 - version 2.7.10
* Dev - Add node ^18.17 and npm ^9.5 as supported engines for dependabot.
* Dev - Increase bundle size.
* Tweak - WC 8.1.0 compatibility.

2023-08-29 - version 2.7.9
* Dev - Add Workflow for generation Hooks documentation.
* Dev - Fetch WooCommerce and WordPress versions for our tests.
* Dev - Remove a no longer needed compatibility fix for WooCommerce Subscriptions version < 2.1.

2023-08-15 - version 2.7.8
* Dev - Use `merge-trunk-develop-pr` action.
* Tweak - Treat a customer as a paying customer if they have placed orders while being a guest.

2023-08-08 - version 2.7.7
* Tweak - WC 8.0 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 6.3 compatibility.

2023-08-01 - version 2.7.6
* Dev - automate merging trunk to develop after a release.
* Fix - Referrals not working with Block Checkouts.

2023-07-19 - version 2.7.5
* Dev - Add release preparation GH workflow.
* Fix - Referral not tracked if order payment fails.

2023-07-11 - version 2.7.4
* Dev - Set engines for the repository.
* Tweak - WC 7.9 compatibility.

2023-06-14 - version 2.7.3
* Tweak - Remove unused `AutomateWoo\Events`.
* Tweak - WC 7.8 compatibility.

2023-06-08 - version 2.7.2
* Fix - Fatal error triggered by settings tab.
* Tweak - Compatibility for PHP 8.2.
* Tweak - Migrate Anonymize Emails task to Action Scheduler Job.

2023-05-10 - version 2.7.1
* Tweak - Compile CSS files without emitting a UTF-8 byte-order mark (BOM) to get better compatibility with other extensions optimizing CSS file loading.
* Tweak - WC 7.7 compatibility.

2023-05-02 - version 2.7.0
* Add - Analytics REST endpoint.
* Add - HPOS compatibility.
* Add - Referrals WC Analytics page.
* Add - Referred orders dashboard widget.
* Dev - Add JS linting.
* Dev - Add bundlewatch.
* Dev - Add style linting.
* Dev - Security improvements: Fixes and cleanup of semgrep warnings.
* Tweak - Bump minimum WooCommerce version to 7.4 (L-2).

2023-04-04 - version 2.6.20
* Tweak - WC 7.6 compatibility.

2023-03-21 - version 2.6.19
* Add - Compatibility changes for High Performance Order Storage.

2023-03-08 - version 2.6.18
* Dev - Update phpunit to allow testing with PHP 8.0.
* Tweak - WC 7.5 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 6.2 compatibility.

2023-02-07 - version 2.6.17
* Tweak - WC 7.4 compatibility.

2023-01-11 - version 2.6.16
* Tweak - WC 7.3 compatibility.

2022-12-14 - version 2.6.15
* Dev - Build scripts without gulp.
* Tweak - WC 7.2 compatibility.

2022-11-09 - version 2.6.14
* Dev - Fix WC versions on PHP units workflow.
* Fix - Trigger with Customer set to: Friend (Invited customer) not working.

2022-11-03 - version 2.6.13
* Fix - Fix a CSRF issue in the refer a friend form.
* Tweak - WC 7.1 compatibility.

2022-10-04 - version 2.6.12
* Fix - Update tools used for text extraction.
* Tweak - WC 7.0 compatibility.

2022-09-02 - version 2.6.11
* Dev - Add branch-labels GH workflow.
* Dev - GH release config and the new PR template.
* Tweak - WC 6.9 compatibility.

2022-07-27 - version 2.6.10
* Tweak - Disable deprecated sharing text param in Facebook sharing.
* Tweak - WC 6.8 compatibility.

2022-07-06 - version 2.6.9
* Dev - Add allow-plugins directive to composer.json.
* Tweak - WC 6.7 compatibility.

2022-06-28 - version 2.6.8
* Fix - Several errors fixed related to coupons of deleted Advocates.
* Tweak - Update changelog for version 2.6.2 to mention new minimum requirement of AutomateWoo version 5.3.

2022-06-07 - version 2.6.7
* Tweak - WC 6.6 compatibility.

2022-05-17 - version 2.6.6
* Tweak - WC 6.5 compatibility.

2022-03-16 - version 2.6.5
* Add - Support for Subscriptions with WooCommerce Payments.

2022-01-17 - version 2.6.4
* Fix - Replaced: Events::schedule_async_event

2021-12-15 - version 2.6.3
* Fix - Bump versions to WordPress 5.9 and WooCommerce 6.0 (#118)

2021-07-27 - version 2.6.2
* Fix - Fix admin language matches site language rather than profile language.
* Fix - Update plugin for renamed `AutomateWoo\Data_Type` class.
* Tweak - New Minimum Requirements - AutomateWoo 5.3.

2021-03-17 - version 2.6.1
* Fix - Ensure `get_available_credit function` returns float to prevent 0.0 referral coupon in checkout.
* Fix - Remove deprecated jQuery functions.

2021-02-12 - version 2.6.0
* New Minimum Requirements - AutomateWoo 5.2
* New - Add support for new WooCommerce translation server which adds translations for several new languages
* New - Add support for upcoming WooCommerce navigation
* Tweak - Update some deprecated uses of AutomateWoo core code
* Tweak - WC 5.0 compatibility

2020-11-25 - version 2.5.7
* Fix - Missing welcome notice on plugin activation
* Fix - Issue where the Referrals account tab 404'd until site permalinks we refreshed
* Fix - Remove duplicate "<tbody/>" tag in account tab HTML

2020-07-31 - version 2.5.6
* Fix deprecated code compatibility with AutomateWoo 5.0

2020-04-30 - version 2.5.5
* Add support for WooCommerce 4.1

2020-03-10 - version 2.5.4
* Add support for WooCommerce 4.0

2020-01-17 - version 2.5.3
* Privacy - Prevent disclosure of whether an email address belongs to an existing customer using the referral form
* Tweak - Code cleanup and improved JSON handling
* Fix - Hide "ex tax" label for referral credit if taxes are disabled on the store

2019-11-08 - version 2.5.2

* New - Tested support for WooCommerce 3.8

2019-11-07 - version 2.5.1

* Fix - Use referral data instead of order data for "Sign Up" referrals

2019-10-22 - version 2.5.0
* New - Add sharing via WhatsApp (must be enabled in settings)
* New - Privacy Add setting to hide the names of referred customers from advocate's account tab (disabled by default)
* New - Maintain expired referral codes for 90 days instead of deleting immediately after expiration
* Tweak - Allow $0 orders to be referrals
* Fix - Issue with error handling when sending our invite emails in the background
* Fix - Issue that could prevent store credit from being refunded when used on a cancelled/failed/refunded order

2019-10-10 - version 2.4.0
* Add support for plugin updates via the WooCommerce.com Extension Marketplace

2019-05-07 - version 2.3.2
* Fix - Error that occurred when updating a page that contained the `automatewoo_referrals_page` shortcode
* Fix - When using link tracking the referral parameter could be lost when shared via Instagram

2019-04-24 - version 2.3.1
* Tweak - Allow orders with a total of 0.00 to be counted as referrals
* Tweak - Add the referral coupon object to the `automatewoo/referrals/coupon_data` filter (only in WooCommerce 3.6+)

2019-03-27 - version 2.3.0
* Read the update blog post - https://automatewoo.com/blog/product-update-march-2019/
* New - Added ability to block specific advocates
* New - Added ability to place a limit on how many referrals an advocate can make
* Tweak - Removed legacy WooCommerce 3.0 code

2019-01-29 - version 2.2.4
* Tweak - Don't use ambiguous characters when generating referral coupons
* Tweak - Allow the share widget to be shown on subscription order emails if the setting **Show widget on order emails** is enabled

2019-01-09 - version 2.2.3
* Fix - Allow decimal value in all price settings
* Fix - Issue were refunded orders could be wrongly included in order queries
* Tweak - Improve store credit caching
* Tweak - Removed some legacy WC 3.0 code

2018-10-25 - version 2.2.2
* Tweak - Declare support for WooCommerce 3.5

2018-09-27 - version 2.2.1
* Fix - Include orders with the status 'processing' when determining if a customer is a paying customer

2018-08-14 - version 2.2.0
* New - Added a 'primary customer' field to referral triggers to allow more control when triggering workflows for advocates, such as allowing advocates to receive referral notifications in their own language rather than the referred customer's language
* New - Added {{ share_url }} variable for use in the share email settings
* Tweak - Exclude order shipping costs when calculating the percentage reward amount for an order
* Fix - Order shipping tax was not included when calculating the shipping total
* Fix - Share email preview subject was always blank
* Fix - Compatibility issue with WC 2.6

2018-05-29 - version 2.1.0
* Tweak - Only store the advocate's IP address when they click on a share button or submit the share form
* Tweak - Refactored advocate sharing validation to make it easier for customization
* Tweak - Added filter to support team-based referrals
* Fix - Prevent new window on social share button click if no valid URL

2018-05-23 - version 2.0.0
* New - GDPR - Added support for the **Personal Data Eraser / Exporter** tools in WordPress 4.9.6
* New - GDPR - Added content for the **Privacy Policy Guide** in WordPress 4.9.6
* Fix - Issue where the site title wasn't showing in the footer of shared emails

2018-05-18 - version 1.9.2
* Fix - Error in share page template
* Fix - Display issue with automatewoo_referrals_account_tab shortcode

2018-05-16 - version 1.9.1
* Fix - Error in referral validation when existing customer referrals were allowed

2018-05-15 - version 1.9.0
* New - GDPR - Add option to anonymize invited email data
* New - Add option to restrict or exclude products by category from referrals
* New - Add ability to set a minimum purchase amount for link tracking referrals
* New - Add option to auto-approve referrals on order paid instead of order completed
* New - Add option to display the share widget in the new account email
* Fix - Issue where the minimum purchase amount for store credit was ignored on subscription renewal payments
* Fix - Display of the email share buttons in MS Outlook

2018-02-13 - version 1.8.0
* New - Store credit is now automatically refunded on failed or refunded orders.
* New - Improve handling of subscription free trials and synchronised renewals. Referral creation is now delayed until the first successful payment.
* Tweak - Improvements for stores running WooCommerce 3.2 or newer.
* Tweak - Changed default share link/coupon expiry option from 4 weeks to no expiry. Existing installs will stay at 4 weeks if no other value is set.
* Tweak - Add log to record the reason when a link based referrals is rejected.

2018-02-09 - version 1.7.12
* Fix - Checkout issue if an advocate had referral credit and their cart did not meet the minimum purchase amount if one was specified in settings.

2018-02-01 - version 1.7.11
* New - Additional third-party filters and functions.
* Various minor fixes.

2017-12-29 - version 1.7.10
* New - Improve CSS compatibility of share form.
* New - Add filter to modify number of email fields in share form.

2017-12-12 - version 1.7.9
* New - Add action **Resend Referral Invite Email**.
* New - Add trigger **New Invite Sent**.
* New - Add variables **advocate.referral_code** and **advocate.referral_link**.

2017-11-13 - version 1.7.8
* New - Add formal german translation.
* Fix - Issue where referrals could be missing from the account tab.
* Tweak - Add filter to allow disabling fraud check.
* Tweak - Improvements to third-party social integrations API.

2017-10-26 - version 1.7.7
* Tweak - Improve account tab display when not using store credit as advocate reward

2017-09-21 - version 1.7.6
* New - Add german translation
* New - Created API for adding custom social integrations

2017-09-14 - version 1.7.5
* Fix - Issue with share URL shortcode
* Tweak - Add 'data-title' attributes to tables to support responsive tables

2017-08-23 - version 1.7.4
* Performance - Database optimizations

2017-08-15 - version 1.7.3
* Performance - Implement new background processor

2017-07-10 - version 1.7.2
* Tweak - Various minor internal updates
* Fix - Rare PHP notice on the account page

2017-06-23 - version 1.7.1
* New - Add search functionality to referral codes and advocates admin views
* New - Add customer referral count rules **Customer Approved Referral Count**, **Customer Total Referral Count**, etc
* Tweak - Button icons are now included as a custom font rather than relying on FontAwesome

2017-05-08 - version 1.7.0
* New - Added admin page to view and manage referral codes
* New - The advocates admin page now lists any users who have sent an invite in addition to users with referrals
* New - Added filtering to referral invites admin page
* Tweak - Internal refactoring and UI improvements

2017-04-28 - version 1.6.2
* New - Added rule **Advocate Total Referral Count**
* Tweak - All advocate referral count rules now work on any trigger with a user object, previously it was just referral based triggers

2017-04-21 - version 1.6.1
* New - Any store credit applied to an automatic subscription renewal is now available when completing that order manually, e.g. if payment fails
* Tweak - Added WPML support for batched invite emails

2017-04-08 - version 1.6.0
* New - Added option to block sharing from users who have not placed an order
* New - Added pending referrals count to admin menu
* New - Added separate default share text for Twitter
* New - Added option to set minimum purchase amount for store credit use
* New - Made relevant settings translatable with WPML
* Tweak - Modified referral widget CSS to improve appearance for different widths
* Tweak - Hide store credit coupon notices as they would be confusing for the end user
* Tweak - Namespacing and performance improvements
* Fix - Issue where store credit could not be applied to an initial subscription payment if the cart total was zero

2017-04-07 - version 1.5.3
* Fix - WooCommerce 3.0 issue with referral coupons not being added to cart

2017-03-28 - version 1.5.2
* Fix - Ensure store credit coupon is applied after normal coupons
* Fix - Remove coupon added message when store credit coupon is applied
* Fix - WooCommerce 3.0 issue with store credit coupon

2017-03-17 - version 1.5.1
* New - Added variables **user.referral_coupon** and **user.referral_link**

2017-03-13 - version 1.5.0
Read release post...(https://automatewoo.com/refer-friend-version-1-5-released/)
* New - Changed to store credit system due to WooCommerce 3.0
* New - Referral reward amounts are now editable in backend
* New - Option to set referral rewards to percentage based
* New - Added two new shortcodes

2017-03-04 - version 1.4.2
* Fix - Error in admin referrals list if the advocate of a referral had been deleted

2017-03-01 - version 1.4.1
* Fix - Issue where a fixed coupon discount could apply to more than one product

2017-02-25 - version 1.4.0
* New - Added ability to give referral rewards for new account signups
* New - Allow use of advocate.first_name and advocate.full_name variables in the **Default Share Text** option
* New - Implement changes from AutomateWoo core such as new object caching and namespacing
* New - Begin support for WooCommerce 3.0

2017-01-12 - version 1.3.5
* Tweak - Added filter to modify referral reward amount 'automatewoo/referrals/reward_amount'
* Fix - Minor issue with the referral update_status() method

2017-01-03 - version 1.3.4
* Fix - Issue where database tables might fail to install on plugin activation
* Tweak - Added filter to invite email class before sending 'automatewoo/referrals/invite_email/mailer'

2016-12-18 - version 1.3.3
* Fix - Date comparision issue on some server environments

2016-12-15 - version 1.3.2
* Tweak - Added filter 'automatewoo/referrals/invite_email/variable_values' to allow creation of custom variables in the invite email content
* Fix - Modify account tab template to prevent duplicate messages

2016-12-08 - version 1.3.1
* New - Added filters to account tab text and minor improvements to account tab template

2016-12-05 - version 1.3
* New - Added admin view listing advocates and new related metrics
* New - Data for email invites is now being stored and displayed in a new admin view
* New - Added option to display the referral share widget on order confirmation emails
* New - Advocates now see their total credit in the referral account tab and always see a link to the share page
* Fix - Store credit now accounts for fees added to orders

2016-11-21 - version 1.2.16
* New - Added status filtering on admin referrals page
* New - Added filter 'automatewoo/referrals/generate_advocate_key'

2016-11-17 - version 1.2.15
* Fix - Issue where translations failed to load

2016-11-16 - version 1.2.14
* New - Send referral emails in batches if more 5 emails are shared at once
* Tweak - Break up frontend templates into smaller parts so they are easier to customize

2016-11-06 - version 1.2.13
* Fix - Ensure share page inputs are 100% width
* Fix - Potential PHP warning in my referrals account tab

2016-11-04 - version 1.2.12
* Tweak - When existing customers referrals are enabled referrals are limited to 1 referral for the customer
* Tweak - Changed the default minimum coupon value setting from 100 to 0
* Fix - Make email 'Send' button translatable

2016-11-04 - version 1.2.11
* Tweak - Add filter 'automatewoo/referrals/block_existing_customer_share'
* Fix - Error if add-on was activated without AutomateWoo installed

2016-11-02 - version 1.2.10
* Tweak - Order counting functions now excludes cancelled, failed and refunded orders

2016-11-01 - version 1.2.9
* Feature - Added option to allow existing customers referrals

2016-10-31 - version 1.2.8
* Tweak - Added support for custom checkouts that do not require the billing email field

2016-10-27 - version 1.2.7
* Performance - Added database indexes for all custom tables
* Tweak - Updates and clean up as per AutomateWoo 2.7

2016-10-19 - version 1.2.6
* Fix - Issue where tax on the store credit was not factored into to credit reduction query

2016-10-14 - version 1.2.5
* Tweak - Workflow log modals now show the relevant referral info
* Tweak - Follow through AW core changes to logs
* Tweak - Added shortcode automatewoo_referrals_account_tab to display referral account tab if using a custom account tab plugin
* Fix - Issue where fraud notice would display unnecessarily

2016-10-11 - version 1.2.4
* Tweak - Improved frontend CSS theme compatibility
* Fix - Issue with Divi page builder

2016-09-27 - version 1.2.3
* Fix - Tax issues around referral store credit

2016-09-15 - version 1.2.2
* Tweak - Added wc_print_notices() to the share page template in case notices did not get printed in the header
* Minor tweaks and fixes to admin area

2016-09-08 - version 1.2.1
* Minor tweaks and improvements

2016-08-29 - version 1.2
* Feature - **Link Based Referrals** are possible as an alternative to coupons referrals
* Tweak - Coupon expiry can now be disabled if expiry is set to '0'
* Tweak - Improved coupon validation

2016-08-25 - version 1.1.11
* Tweak - Implement changes in AW 2.6.1

2016-08-17 - version 1.1.10
* Feature - Add some referral rules ready for AW 2.6
* Fix - PHP list table warning

2016-08-07 - version 1.1.9
* Fix - Login button on share page missing link
* Fix - Minor PHP warning

2016-08-02 - version 1.1.8
* Tweak - Update renamed class in AutomateWoo core

2016-07-27 - version 1.1.7
* Tweak - Tidy up admin page URLs
* Tweak - Add filter 'automatewoo/referrals/show_share_widget'

2016-07-22 - version 1.1.6
* Fix - Issue where the referral reward type option could not be set to 'none'

2016-07-21 - version 1.1.5
* Fix - Change referral coupon type to 'Cart Discount' instead of 'Product Discount'

2016-07-21 - version 1.1.4
* Feature - Add ability for referral coupons to expire
* Tweak - Improve coupon validation notices

2016-07-19 - version 1.1.3
* Feature - WooCommerce subscriptions support - Allow store credit to be applied to recurring payments

2016-07-14 - version 1.1.2
* Tweak - Use an alternate method in advocate key generation

2016-07-13 - version 1.1.1
* Feature - Add option to display post purchase widget at bottom of page

2016-07-12 - version 1.1.0
* Feature - Add Post Purchase Share Widgets

2016-07-01 - version 1.0.0
* Initial release

Get WooCommerce AutomateWoo – Refer A Friend Extension Version 2.8.5 with 12 months of updates for just $35!

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