Catalog Visibility Options Extension: Good Marketing Strategy?

WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options Extension can be an important addition to a company’s online marketing strategy. Why? This plugin lets you hide pricing or insert a call to action like “Contact for pricing” for all products or just specific ones in a WooCommerce store.

We can hear some of you groaning. Sure, requiring potential customers to go through an extra step to see pricing can backfire. For instance, if all of a company’s competitors make their pricing visible or if price is the bottom line for customers looking to buy that product, hiding pricing can be a big risk. You risk seriously annoying your customers.

However, requiring users to take the step of ‘contacting’ or ‘registering’ to see pricing can be a good marketing strategy. Here are some reasons why:

  • Psychological Investment: Marketing research has shown that if you get a customer to make a small commitment (like registering to see pricing), it often increases your chances of getting that customer to make a larger commitment (like a purchase) because they are now more psychologically ‘invested.’
  • Sales Conversation: In many cases (especially for higher-priced products), having the opportunity to have a sales conversation is critical to helping the customer understand the difference between your product and the competition. Also, many times a customer frankly doesn’t know what they need. A sales conversation can help the company recommend the right product by giving them the chance to get to the bottom of the customer’s real needs. In all these cases, the company benefits from the opportunity to have a sales conversation with the customer before sharing pricing.
  • Lead Followup: Every user that visits a company’s site is a future marketing opportunity. If the user leaves without sharing any contact information, the company has lost a chance to understand that person’s needs or appeal to them at a later date (with, say, a sale or a different product). Requiring contact or registration for pricing can help the company keep in touch with its site visitors.

Consider your market carefully before deciding if WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options Extension is a good marketing strategy.

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