WooCommerce Custom Start Date for WooCommerce Subscriptions Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce Custom Start Date for WooCommerce Subscriptions 1.4.4, Released on December 10, 2024

Changelog for WooCommerce Custom Start Date for WooCommerce Subscriptions

  *** Custom Start Date For WooCommerce Subscriptions***

2024-12-10 - version 1.4.4
*Fixed change of scheduled start date in subscription admin

2024-11-07 - version 1.4.3
*Fixed delay start date option display in variable subscription product
*Fixed issue with checkout for today start date and payment delayed

2024-07-10 - version 1.4.2
*Fixed next payment date before end of trial - timezone issue

2024-04-11 - version 1.4.1
*Fixed next payment date for start date in the past

2024-04-02 - version 1.4
*Fixed style fixed date fields in product variations
*Fixed max date for calendar start date in variation products
*Added HPOS compatibility

2024-02-15 - version 1.3.18
*Fixed missing payment methods (needs_payment) when 1 period product (is_one_period)

2024-02-12 - version 1.3.17
*Fixed wc_notice_count() error when updating user information from admin dashboard

2024-02-09 - version 1.3.16
*Fixed missing first payment scheduled action for delayed payment
*Fixed timezone in subscription admin page

2023-12-28 - version 1.3.15
*Fixed synchronized next payment issue

2023-10-10 - version 1.3.14
*Fixed unschedule start date when canceled while scheduled
*Fixed delayed payment check when next payment setup during order

2023-09-11 - version 1.3.13
*Fixed next payment date after expiration in one period subscription - recalculation of next payment date at checkout

2023-07-20 - version 1.3.12
*Fixed delays timezone calculations

2023-05-03 - version 1.3.11
*Fixed date picker scripts
*Fixed update address on all scheculed subscriptions at once
*Added update payment method individually on scheculed subscriptions

2023-04-17 - version 1.3.10
*Added date picker scripts

2023-03-14 - version 1.3.9
*Fixed fields in non-subscription product
*Fixed early start date due to time zone

2023-02-21 - version 1.3.8
*Added compatibility with other time zone for default date in calendar date picker (133-164)

2023-01-27 - version 1.3.7
*Fixed delay payment issue for guest customers

2023-01-12 - version 1.3.6
*Fixed delay payment display js
*Fixed fixed delay display and updating

2023-01-03 - version 1.3.5
*Fixed order existance check in the scheduler
*fixed default product delay option for variations

2022-11-30 - version 1.3.3
*Fixed double max date display for variations

2022-11-23 - version 1.3.2
*Fixed double start date fields on the variable subscription with default-product delay.

2022-11-20 - version 1.3.1
*Delay payment of first period for variation with 'default product' delay type
*Check the subscription still exists before changing its status to active on start date in the scheduler

2022-11-15 - version 1.3
*Delay payment of first period
*Admin can change start date and schedule subscriptions
*Maximum number of date displayed for variations
*bulk edit start date for variable subscriptions
*restrict max date in the calendar
*Fix the ID calling method in product page

2022-09-30 - version 1.2.0
*Fixed save changes when deleting dates in variations

2022-09-22 - version 1.1.13
*Fixed the checked field error disabaling the product info editor.

2022-08-11 - version 1.1.12
*Change the front style loading name

2022-08-03 - version 1.1.11
*Change plain email template

2022-02-08 - version 1.1.10
* Match date format in the fixed date for variable subscription on the product page with the site date format

2022-01-28 - version 1.1.9
* Fixed synchronized renewal timezone issue
* Fixed trial end error message

2021-12-09 - version 1.1.8
* Added synchronized renewal calculation when no amount is charged initially

2021-12-07 - version 1.1.7
* Fixed timezone renewal date issue
* Added Scheduled status for parent orders with scheduled subscriptions
* Fixed synchronized renewal calculations

2021-11-24 - version 1.1.6
* Prevent reactivation in customer account page for scheduled subscriptions

2021-11-17 - version 1.1.5
* Forced default value in calendar field

2021-11-10 - version 1.1.4
* Fixed invalid date issue in varibale subscriptions
* Added check on the renewal dates for past start dates

2021-11-08 - version 1.1.3
* Updated translatable strings

2021-11-08 - version 1.1.2
* Fixed hidden dates for fixed dates in variable subscriptions
* Added translatable strings

2021-11-01 - version 1.1.1
* Added cut-off date for variable subscriptions
* Changed date formats on product page for variable suscriptions

2021-09-14 - version 1.1
* Added custom start date feature for variable subscription products

2021-07-16 - version 1.0.5
* Fixed start date in confirmation email 
* Enabled change of address for scheduled subscriptions
* Changed the cart date display to enable compatibility with WooCommerce Add-on extension

2021-05-26 - version 1.0.4
* Fixed next payment date when expires before first renewal

2021-05-12 - version 1.0.3
* Custom start date enabled for product added to the cart from somewhere else than the product page when the date is hidden or only displays one date

2021-05-11 - version 1.0.2
* Fixed hiden date input for fixed dates delay

2021-04-14 - version 1.0.1
* Fixed label for fixed delay

2021-03-26 - version 1.0.0
* Initial release

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