Sensei Course Progress Changelog

Latest Version: Version 2.0.4, Released on October 19, 2021

Changelog for Sensei Course Progress

  *** Sensei LMS Course Progress Changelog ***

2021.10.19-version 2.0.4
* New: Add ability to minimize the course progress widget by the user-#115

2020.04.08-version 2.0.3
* Tweak: Remove call to `user_started_course`-#98

2019.12.05-version 2.0.2
* New: Remove Woo header so that plugin updates are served from
* Tweak: Add readme.txt to build instead of

2019.11.21-version 2.0.1
* New: Rename plugin to Sensei LMS Course Progress-#79
* New: Add Hungarian translation (@amroland)-#83
* Fix: Translations not loading-#82

2019.04.24-version 2.0.0
* New: Add dependency check for minimum Sensei (1.11.0) and PHP (5.6) versions-#68
* Tweak: Check dependencies and perform the majority of plugin loading tasks after other plugins have loaded-#72
* Tweak: Use Woo header for plugin updates-#69
* Fix: Broken CSS for themes that change the default widget class-#70

2018.10.31-version 1.0.8
* Fix: Widget does not work if lessons are not in a module
* Fix: PHP notices generated by the Widget
* Fix: Coding standard violations
* Tweak: Update Russian translations
* Tweak: Update plugin author information

2018.04.04-version 1.0.7
* Fix: Widget no longer shows navigation arrows
* Fix: Fix for current lesson indicator when viewing module
* Fix: Double encoding of ampersand on module titles
* Tweak: Make UI consistent between show all/not all modules
* Tweak: Escape data and use absolute paths to files
* Tweak: The modules taxonomy query should only send term id
* Tweak: Use correct version of frontend.css file
* Tweak: Update links in plugin header
* New: Add Russian translations
* New: Link to module if it has a description/template overridden

2015.10.08-version 1.0.6
* Fix-Replaces missing font declaration to ensure arrows always display
* Fix-Updates widget constructor method due to a change in WordPress

2015.07.24-version 1.0.5
* Fix-Ensures the widget works properly on quiz pages.
* Tweak-Removes !important from CSS styles to make it easier to override the styles.

2015.05.28-version 1.0.4
* Tweak-Updating code to work with modules in Sensei 1.8
* Fix-Fixed a few undefined variable notices

2015.02.02-version 1.0.3
* New-Adds an option to display lessons from all modules, not just the current one.
* Tweak-Updating code for Sensei 1.7 compatibility
* Tweak-Left aligns the module title

2014.08.18-version 1.0.2
* Fix-Fixes a styling issue on the next/previous lesson buttons in some themes.

2014.06.30-version 1.0.1
* Fix-Fixes HTML character conversion in course title.
* New-Added next/previous lesson navigation above the lesson list.

2014.06.23-version 1.0.0
* First release

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