The latest version is WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees 5.1.3, Released on February 3, 2025
Changelog for WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees
*** WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees (prior Additional Fees) Changelog ***
2025.02.03 - version 5.1.3
* fixed: error in wc_additional_fees_block_checkout.js when global object wc does not exist
2025.02.03 - version
* tweak: version bump to fix wrong version in product page
2025.01.28 - version 5.1.2
* fixed: broken block checkout page with WC 9.6 (removed 'wc-blocks' in wp_register_script( 'wc_additional_fees_block_script', ....)
* tweak: added an is_array check to handler_wc_add_settings_tab_array() to fix 3-rd party plugin conflict rendering null
2024.12.14 - version 5.1.1
* tweak: improve block checkout DOM monitoring for payment gateway radio buttons
2024.11.29 - version 5.1
* tweak: extended PHP, WP and WC info to plugin header to remove error message in deploy test
* fixed: check if block checkout DOM is completely loaded to attach our payment method check handler
2024.10.21 - version 5.0
* added: support for WooCommerce Block Cart Page and Block Checkout Page
* added: filter 'wc_add_fees_cart_before_add_total_fee': allows to skip adding our fees depending on cart
* added: filter 'wc_add_fees_rest_api_route_is_block_checkout_route': allows to control routing for REST_API calls in block cart and block checkout page
* added: filter 'wc_add_fees_load_block_checkout_scripts': allows to disable loading our block cart and block checkout scripts even when enabled by WC
* removed: code to support WooCommerce < 2.6.14
2024.08.31 - version 4.2
* fixed: "Trying to access array offset on value of type null for $fee->gateway_optionWC_Add_Fees::OPT_KEY_OUTPUT" on checkout page for very small values when fee amount = 0
* checked compatibility for WP 6.6 and WooCommerce 9.2.3
* correction below filter "wc_add_fees_wc_fees_calculated_done_check" was "wc_add_fees_wc_calculated_totals_done_check"
2023.10.10 - version 4.1
* feature: option "Maximum fee": limit fee to a maximum value
* feature: option "Exclude Fees For E-Mails": skip total cart fees for a gateway for given E-Mails
* added: filter "wc_add_fees_gateway_fee_maximum": change maximum fee value during calculation
* added: filter "wc_add_fees_hide_product_panel_options": remove our tab from product metabox settings
* added: filter "wc_add_fees_wc_fees_calculated_done_check": skip a second fee calculation (e.g. by WC automatic tax calculation)
2023.07.11 - version 4.0.1
* fixed: small typo error
* fixed: minor styling error in backend product tab fees settings
* fixed: Warning: Undefined variable $index in ../classes/class-wc-add-fees.php on line 920
2023.05.24 - version 4.0
* added: compatibility support for WooCommerce HPOS
* cleanup: remove backwards compatibility prior WooCommerce 3.0
2023.01.02 - version 3.2.6
* Security fix: added esc_attr to woocommerce-additional-fees\v2614\class-wc-add-fees.php line 1050ff
2022.09.06 - version 3.2.5
* Added support for plugin
2022.01.26 - version 3.2.4
* Added filter 'wc_add_fees_subscriptions_remove_fees' - remove manually added fees (e.g. if our fees are added manually we do not recognise them)
* checked compatibility for WP 5.8 and WooCommerce 6.1
2021.03.25 - version 3.2.3
* Pay for order page fix: Force calculation of fees on pageload (WC has by default payment method N/A on new created orders in backend
* Add loading icon on "Pay for order page"
2021.03.20 - version 3.2.2
* klarna_payments compatibility: gateway not recognised on checkout page
2020.12.29 - version 3.2.1
* Version bump: checked compatibility for WP 5.6 and WooCommerce 4.8
2020.11.16 - version 3.2
* Improved: change logic to load available payment gateways to avoid 3-rd party plugins not activating gateways properly on ajax callback calculating fees
2020.08.22 - version 3.1.12
* Fixed: ZIP Payment Gateway not calculating fees
* Fixed: Subscription plugin pay for failed renewal order creates a new order
2020.07.08 - version 3.1.11
* Fixed: Admin payment methods N/A and Other are supported with "Disabled" - no fees added
2019.10.30 - version 3.1.10
* Fixed: escape attributes on pay for order page
2019.09.18 - version 3.1.9
* Fixed: a bug when other WPML components are used function wpml_get_active_languages() does not exist
2019.09.15 - version 3.1.8
* Added: WPML support to translate option "Output text" for cart fee
2019.09.14 - version 3.1.7
* Fixed: WC 3.7 comp. with additional tax classes being moved from options to database table
* Fixed a bug with subscription plugin and pay for order page - invalid order status
* Add new filters
- wc_add_fees_pay_for_order_valid_order_statuses
- wc_add_fees_pay_for_order_force_continue_classes
- wc_add_fees_pay_for_order_force_continue
fixes problems with 3rd party like subscriptions not returning a valid order status in filter woocommerce_valid_order_statuses_for_payment
- wc_add_fees_fee_output_text - allows to change fee output text in frontend e.g. translate for WPML
2019.08.15 - version 3.1.6
* WC 3.7 compatibility bug saving options page not working
2018.06.03 - version 3.1.5
* Fix problem with sanitized tax class value in order item fee
* Move main plugin file to woocommerce-additional-fees.php to support new WC update feature
2018.03.17 - version 3.1.4
* Fix support of fees for variation products
2018.02.28 - version 3.1.3
* Add new options
- Minimum cart value for adding fee
- Minimum fee
* Add new filters
- wc_add_fees_maximum_cart_order_value
- wc_add_fees_minimum_cart_order_value
2018.01.28 - version 3.1.2
* Fix floating point problem with 0 - remove fees
2018.01.26 - version 3.1.1
* Bugfix WooCommerce PayPal Express Checkout Gateway: Fees not added on checkout page
2017.11.04 - version 3.1.0
* Fix German Market compatibility
* Add an option to change order of adding fixed value fee
2017.10.26 - version 3.0.8
* Small fix for German Market plugin
* Small fix tax for fixed value to add and total value added
2017.10.22 - version 3.0.7
* Adding WooCommerce 3.2 version check support
* Add filter wc_add_fees_fixed_fee_before_normal_fee
* Refactor fixed amount tax calculation with woocommerce_prices_include_tax option setting
2017.10.13 - version 3.0.6
* Add filters to allow changing of predefined values (e.g. depending on different credit cards in one payment gateway)
* WC 3.2 bugfix integrate class WC_Cart_Fees added with 3.2
2017.06.07 - version 3.0.5
* Subscription plugin:
- Add new actions to handle double fees of our plugin on pay for order page
- Add filter "woocommerce_create_order" to avoid new order on pay for order when fees change
2017.06.05 - version 3.0.4
* Change WC_Order to WC_Abstract_Order as type in function definintion
* Replace new WC_Order by wc_get_order()
2017.05.30 - version 3.0.3
* Modified bugfix subscription plugin - remove our fees from existing order on renewal and manual payment
* EU VAT plugin temporary fix: does not take care of is_vat_exempt of a saved order (see classes\class-wc-order-add-fees.php)
* WC 3.0 compatibility adjustments
2017.05.12 - version 3.0.2
* Bugfix subscription plugin pay for order page - adds all fees from existing order (we do not recognise our fees any longer)
2017.04.04 - version 3.0.1
* Integrate German Market (this plugin is currently not ready for WC 3.0.0)
2017.04.03 - version 3.0.0
* Make plugin ready for WC 3.0.0 - great version junp of WC
- for backwards comp move php classes to /v2614
- remove code for versions <= 2.6.14 from php class code in /classes
- add CRUD access introduced with WC 3.0.0
- refactor and optimize code
- supress fee lines with calculated value 0
* As we moved all code < WC 2.6.14 to own folder, all classes, properties and methods in folder classes have @since 3.0.0 by default
2017.03.09 - version 2.2.25
* Add filter 'wc_add_fees_remove_fixed_fees_on_no_fees'
2017.03.09 - version 2.2.24
* Fix deprecated actions/filters on settings page (notice message on tab - screen reader)
* Refactor code in function autoload
2017.03.06 - version 2.2.23
* Bugfix: extend filter 'wc_add_fees_calculated_fee'
2017.03.02 - version 2.2.22
* Bugfix: Change version number in /woocommerce_additional_fees_plugin.php to correct version number
2017.02.24 - version 2.2.21
* Add filter 'wc_add_fees_calculated_fee'
2017.02.24 - version 2.2.20
* Bugfix for plugin woocommerce-follow-up-emails: Fatal error on saveing an order: fixed with "if( ! class_exists( 'Follow_Up_Emails' ) )"
2017.01.10 - version 2.2.19
* Bugfix "Delete Plugin" action missing
* Bugfix for plugin woocommerce-eu-vat-number: calculates tax when saving order from backend
* Bugfix for plugin woocommerce-eu-vat-number: "Pay for order" page
2016.10.01 - version 2.2.18
* add a filter to change default post meta in get_post_meta_product_default and get_post_meta_order_default
* add a bugfix on checkout page - payment gateway is reset to preselected gateway
2016.07.25 - version 2.2.17
* use $order->get_status() in function handler_ajax_calc_fee_pay_order and adjust backwards compatibility
2016.02.19 - version 2.2.16
* wc_checkout_params.ajax_loader_url has been removed - provide a fallback to avoid breaking of CSS with null value
2015.12.09 - version 2.2.15
* Set empty input fields for numbers to 0
* Bugfix - remove php warning for session variable on settings page
2015.11.21 - version 2.2.14
* Bugfix with plugin woocommerce-subscriptions:
- Fees are calculated now correctly for signup
- Fees are calculated now correctly for recurring
2015.10.08 - version 2.2.13
* Adding a check function_exists
2015.10.08 - version 2.2.12
* Bugfix checkout page choosen payment gateway - Check with $_REQUEST and NOT with session, if present
(woocommerce-taxamo uses hook woocommerce_checkout_update_order_review in class-wc-ajax.php)
2015.10.07 - version 2.2.11
* Bugfix woocommerce-taxamo - Adding a lower priority (1000) to wp_print_styles handler
2015.09.23 - version 2.2.10
* Adding compatibility with WooCommerce German Market plugin
2015.07.27 - version 2.2.9
* Bugfix - wrong constant WC_Addons_Email_Att::HIDDEN_INPUT used
2015.07.24 - version 2.2.8
* WC 2.4 ready - changed hook to attach to WC, as settings page produces notices
* Bugfix: Settingspage returns to last edited subpage after save
2015.04.23 - version 2.2.7
* adding 4 hooks to allow third party skip fee calculation on product and total level for cart and order individually
2015.03.17 - version 2.2.6
* puts the same article several times in the cart ->
needs to make fee ID unique for each product line to avoid overwriting fees for the same product
2015.03.11 - version 2.2.5
* Setting priority of some WC hooks to a higher value to ensure, that our plugin is the last
2015.01.16 - version 2.2.4
* Bugfix in recalculation of saved orders
- using WC core functions added with 2.2
- allow multiple taxes
- allow discounts
* Bugfix order page: tax values for fees are not always displayed - extended tax calculation for saved orders
2014.12.29 - version 2.2.3
* WC version 2.3: cupons after tax was eliminated - depricated arguments have been removed from code (backwards compatible for < 2.3 remains)
2014.12.12 - version 2.2.2
* update fix from version 2.1.5: implement array of plugins to ignore standard WC function WC()->payment_gateways->get_available_payment_gateways()
and load all gateways in WC_Add_Fees->load_request_data()
2014.09.06 - version 2.2.1
* Backward comp. with admin-ajax call wc-settings
2014.09.05 - version 2.2.0
* Removing old documentation folder
* Refactoring code and classes and filenames to meet WP coding standards closer
* Making ready for WC 2.2
* implementing $fee->tax_data for cart
* implementing '_line_tax_data' for order
* disable recalculating fees, if refunds are given on additional fees
2014.08.08 - version 2.1.5
* woocommerce-account-funds produces an endless loop due to a call to $cart->calculate_totals in our call to WC()->payment_gateways->get_available_payment_gateways()
Fixed by reading available gateways directly by WC()->payment_gateways->payment_gateways
2014.07.18 - version 2.1.4
* Integrate a fixed value to be added after calculated fee (needed to add a fixed commission in EU market dor credit card companies)
2014.06.18 - version 2.1.3
* Fixed bug on cart page
2014.06.17 - version 2.1.2
* Fixed bug with WP_PLUGIN_URL to the function plugins_url()
* Fixed bug with $obj_wc_cart
* Fixed bug with js not loading
* Fixed 'pay-for-order' page bug to work with pretty permalinks (getting value from global $wp and not from $_REQUEST)
2014.06.11 - version 2.1.1
* Fixed incompatibility issue with gateway "mollie".
Default $gateway->method_title is not supported by the gateway but a method called $gateway->get_title()
* Fixed bug with WP_PLUGIN_URL to the function plugins_url()
2014.06.08 - version 2.1.0
* Added compatibility for Subscription plugin
* Fee calculation now based on prices incl. tax & total incl. tax
2014.05.16 - version 2.0.2
* fixed bug in linklist for payment gateways - changed from title to id
* CSS set size of link list
2014.05.06 - version 2.0.1
* change 'woocommerce' to 'wc-settings' on settingstab
* Fixed "bug" for available payment gateways that need a cart for function $gateway->is_available (function load_request_data) encountered with 2.1.8
* remove uninstall.php, as > WP 2.7 uses uninstall hook if present
2014.04.06 - version 2.0.0
* Major enhencements of the plugin:
* use of WC() and make ready for WC 2.1.6
* WooCommerce Core Bugfix on pay order page - WooCommerce always selects first gateway, not selected payment gateway in the order !!!!!!
* adding class WC_Order_addfee as extending WC_Order with functionality for calculating fees and totals in an order
* automatic fee calculation on pay-for-order frontend page when customer changes payment gateway
* automatic gateway fee calculation on admin order page when saving the order
* fee calculation when using coupons
* checkboxes allow supressing automatic fee calculation for a specific order
* checkbox to allow only selected payment gateway on pay for order page
* integrate version 1.0.3 for backward compatibility < 2.1.6 => modifying files of this version
* backward compatibility < 2.1.6 Bugfix on pay order page - WooCommerce always selects first gateway, not selected payment gateway in the order
2014.02.14 - version 1.0.3
* Fixed single product fee issue
2013.12.06 - version 1.0.2
* Fixed calculation error when using product fees AND order fees
* Fixed problem entering decimal numbers in chrome
2013.11.28 - version 1.0.1
* Fixed session handling
2013.11.27 - version 1.0.0
* First release
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