The latest version is WooCommerce Advanced Notifications 1.5.0, Released on December 9, 2024
Changelog for WooCommerce Advanced Notifications
*** Advanced Notifications Changelog ***
2024-12-09 - version 1.5.0
* Add - New Product Editor Compatibility.
2024-10-29 - version 1.4.8
* Tweak - WordPress 6.7 Compatibility.
2024-07-02 - version 1.4.7
* Tweak - WordPress 6.6 and WooCommerce 9.0 Compatibility.
2024-03-25 - version 1.4.6
* Tweak - WordPress 6.5 Compatibility.
2024-03-04 - version 1.4.5
* Fix - Apply WordPress coding standards.
2024-02-06 - version 1.4.4
* Fix - Plain text email formatting.
2023-09-18 - version 1.4.3
* Update - Security update.
2023-08-08 - version 1.4.2
* Add - Dev dependencies to run coding standards.
2023-02-14 - version 1.4.1
* Fix - Incorrect email class for new order email.
2022-11-02 - version 1.4.0
* Add - Declared High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatibility.
2022-10-25 - version 1.3.3
* Update - Security update.
2022-09-06 - version 1.3.2
* Fix - Exclude unnecessary files from plugin zip file.
* Tweak - WC 6.8 and WP 6.0 compatibility.
2022-08-15 - version 1.3.1
* Tweak - Formatting the email content for refund email.
* Tweak - Transition version numbering to WordPress versioning.
* Tweak - WC 6.7.0 and WP 6.0.1 compatibility.
2022-07-04 - version 1.3.0
* Fix - Compatibility with email template hooks parameters.
* Tweak - WC 6.6 and WP 6.0 compatibility.
2022-05-12 - version 1.2.37
* Add - Show all order items options in notification email.
* Tweak - WC 6.1 and WP 5.9 compatibility.
2022-01-05 - version 1.2.36
* Fix - Missing Languages folder and .pot file in release-ready zip file.
2021-12-13 - version 1.2.35
* Fix - Add custom order status for WooCommerce Deposits compatibility.
* Tweak - Use 'wp_loaded' hook to send the notification.
* Tweak - WC 5.9 compatibility.
2021-11-03 - version 1.2.34
* Fix - Incorrect reuse of 'woocommerce_email_subject_*' hook.
2021-10-21 - version 1.2.33
* Chore - Bump WP & WC version support.
* Fix - Sending a new order email when the order status is from pending to on-hold.
* Tweak - Add filter for each 'woocommerce_order_status_*_to_*' action hook.
2021-07-27 - version 1.2.32
* Fix - "Include Order Totals" only works for "All Purchases" trigger.
2021-07-21 - version 1.2.31
* Fix - Date used in emails is not correct
2021-04-28 - version 1.2.30
* Fix - Remove usage of deprecated function.
2020-12-10 - version 1.2.29
* Fix - Remove warnings from notification table page.
2020-10-06 - version 1.2.28
* Tweak - WC 4.5 compatibility.
2020-08-11 - version 1.2.27
* Fix - Remove usage of deprecated jQuery .live() method.
* Tweak - WordPress 5.5 compatibility.
2020-07-07 - version 1.2.26
* Fix - Escape output for selectWoo fields.
2020-06-10 - version 1.2.25
* Tweak - WC 4.2 compatibility.
2020-05-12 - version 1.2.24
* Fix - Backorder emails not sending.
2020-04-29 - version 1.2.23
* Tweak - WC 4.1 compatibility.
2020-03-13 - version 1.2.22
* Fix - Emogrifier incorrect load path causes cascading errors.
2020-03-05 - version 1.2.21
* Tweak - WC tested up to 4.0
2020-02-18 - version 1.2.20
* Tweak - Remove legacy code.
2020-01-13 - version 1.2.19
* Tweak - WC tested up to 3.9
2019-11-04 - version 1.2.18
* Tweak - WC tested up to 3.8
2019-08-08 - version 1.2.17
* Tweak - WC tested up to 3.7
2019-04-16 - version 1.2.16
* Tweak - WC tested up to 3.6
2018-10-10 - version 1.2.15
* Update - WC tested up to 3.5
2018-05-23 - version 1.2.14
* Fix - Turning off show totals also hides order notes unintentionally.
* Update - WC tested up to 3.4
* Add - GDPR policy
2018-01-18 - version 1.2.13
* Fix - Check for valid product when iterating cart items.
* Fix - Remove duplicate email footer do action.
2017-12-13 - version 1.2.12
* Update - WC tested up to version.
2017-11-10 - version 1.2.11
* Add - WC minimum requirements to header.
* Fix - Notification emails missing order notes.
2017-08-15 - version 1.2.10
* Fix - Allow user to choose order status that triggers email by using the filter `woocommerce_advanced_notifications_multiple_statuses_trigger`.
2017-08-08 - version 1.2.9
* Fix - Trigger emails only when order status is completed.
* Fix - `woocommerce_email_headers` filter missing object parameter.
2017-05-31 - version 1.2.8
* Fix - Additional WC 3.0 styles.
* Fix - Incorrect variable name causing a notice when attempting to retrieve notifications for a specific product.
* Fix - Additional updates for WC 3.0 compatibility.
2017-04-26 - version 1.2.7
* Fix - Regression with WC 2.6.x.
* Update - WC30 style templates.
2017-04-13 - version 1.2.6
* Fix - WC 30 compatibility where category notifications with variable product not sending.
* Fix - Admin editing product link to wrong page.
2017-04-03 - version 1.2.5
* Update - Additional updates for WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility.
2017-03-05 - version 1.2.4
* Update - WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility.
2016-12-19 - version 1.2.3
* Update - Remove BACs account info on notifications.
* New - Introduce filter 'woocommerce_advanced_notifications_show_bacs_info'.
2016-10-28 - version 1.2.2
* Fix - Missing email templates.
2016-10-25 - version 1.2.1
* Fix - Emails not conforming to WC 2.5+ action filter parameters.
2016-08-13 - version 1.2.0
* Tweak - Added order refund notification.
* Tweak - Added POT file for translation and missing domain path in plugin's header.
2016-07-23 - version 1.1.20
* Fix - Variable subscription download links not showing up in new order emails.
* Fix - Method name typos.
* Fix - Order note not showing in email template.
* Add - Notification object to send method so each email will have an ID for context.
* Add - Email template filter 'woocommerce_order_item_meta_start' and 'woocommerce_order_item_meta_end'.
2016-02-25 - version 1.1.19
* Fix - Notification emails showing products for other vendors.
2016-01-26 - version 1.1.18
* Fix - Downloadable files did not generate a link in emails
2015-12-18 - version 1.1.17
* Fix - Prevent a double footer from showing in emails.
2015-11-17 - version 1.1.16
* Fix - Incorrect total when trigger is not "All purchases"
2015-11-17 - version 1.1.15
* Tweak - HTML emails to be consistent with default WooCommerce emails
2015-08-10 - version 1.1.14
* Added a screen options tab to the notifications listing
2015-07-29 - version 1.1.13
* 2.4 Compat
* Fix - Plain text email formatting for the new order notification
* Tweak - Unify email methods for all notifications
2015-06-03 - version 1.1.12
* Update main file and text domain.
2015-01-29 - version 1.1.11
* Fix - Backwards compatibility
2015-01-28 - version 1.1.10
* New - WC 2.3 compatibility (chosen -> select2)
* Fix triggers active state
2014-05-15 - version 1.1.9
* Fix category trigger active state
2014-05-07 - version 1.1.8
* Fix "all" trigger saving
2014-05-01 - version 1.1.7
* Revert prev addition; woocommerce_order_status_pending_to_on-hold exists already
2014-04-24 - version 1.1.6
* Trigger on woocommerce_order_status_pending_to_on-hold_notification hook
2014-01-16 - version 1.1.5
* 2.1 Compat
2013-11-04 - version 1.1.4
* Fix global
2013-10-16 - version 1.1.3
* Fixed issue on save which cleared product notifications
2013-03-26 - version 1.1.2
* Added woocommerce_email_after_order_table hook
* Added woocommerce_email_order_meta hook
2012-12-21 - version 1.1.1
* Relaxed email validation to support quotes
2012-12-21 - version 1.1.0
* WC 2.0 Compat
* Fixed sent counts
* Fixed template overrides
2012-12-04 - version 1.0.1
* New updater
2012-08-23 - version 1.0.0
* First release
Get WooCommerce Advanced Notifications Version 1.5.0 with 12 months of updates for just $14!
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