Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce Bookings Plugin Version 1.15.50
* Fix-Add duration limit unit with max/min duration notice.
* Fix-Add product information in the cancel email.
* Fix-Add-Ons info in the Pending Confirmation email.
* Fix-Added min-width to date picker and date range fields.
* Fix-Booking events status can not be recognized when looking at the calendar(s).
* Fix-Booking resources and persons toggle button is closing product data tab.
* Fix-Bump date line down in the admin calendar so it’s easier to read .
* Fix-Calendar availability incorrect if customers timezone changes date. .
* Fix-Calendar has warnings if view is ‘Month’ selected.
* Fix-Custom availability rules with higher priority to override Google Calendar events.
* Fix-Deprecated function being used: `woocommerce_before_cart_item_quantity_zero`.
* Fix-Enhance resource cost unit label.
* Fix-Ensure end time and start time fields don’t overlap in admin bookings view.
* Fix-Fix/3057-Adds function to set selected month. Fix for highlighted month disappearing when clicking outside calendar.
* Fix-Fix: Inconsistencies in start times when resources are assigned to bookable products.
* Fix-Fix: Memberships discounts are not applied to the booking cost preview on the product’s page (only in cart).
* Fix-Hide past global availabilities from settings.
* Fix-Overlapping resource availability-Incorrect slot display in the front-end.
* Fix-The default parameter is not used in the `WC_Bookings_CPT::custom_columns` hook.
* Fix-UI broken due to Booking product title on Booking >Calendar.
* Fix-Using start of week setting.
* Tweak-Cleanup of `was-in-cart` bookings.
* Tweak-WC 4.7 compatibility.
* Tweak-WP 5.9 compatibility.
View the full WooCommerce Bookings Plugin Changelog
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