WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options 3.3.5, Released on January 26, 2025

Changelog for WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options

  *** Catalog Visibility Options Changelog ***
2025.01.26 - version 3.3.5
    * Update: WC and WC version compatibility.
    * Update: WC features compatibility.

2024.03.26 - version 3.3.4
    * Update: WC and WC version compatibility.
    * Update: WC features compatibility.
    * Update: Remove legacy code for WC 2.6 and older.

2023.11.11 - version 3.3.3
    * Update: WP and WC version compatibility.

2023.09.16 - version 3.3.2
    * Update: WP and WC version compatibility.
    * Update: Move clearing of transients into a separate class so it can be queued and called during shutdown.
    * Update: Remove legacy code for WC 2.6 and older.
    * Update: Remove legacy code regarding extension updates and WC active check.
    * Update: General code cleanup.

2023.06.10 - version 3.3.1
    * Update: WP and WC version compatibility.
    * Update: Call catalog_visibility_alternate_add_to_cart_link_url filter on the add to cart link for shop links.
    * New: Allow filtering of the locations which are used for the location picker.  Use the filter woocommerce_catalog_restrictions_available_locations.
            	 * add_filter( 'woocommerce_catalog_restrictions_available_locations', function( $available_locations, $allowed_countries, $allowed_states, $use_states ) {
            	 * $available_locations = 
            	 *    'US' => 
            	 *        'title' => 'United States',
            	 *        'code' => 'US',
            	 *        'states' => 
            	 *            'CA' => 
            	 *                'title' => 'California',
            	 *                'code' => 'CA'
            	 *            ,
            	 * ;
            	 * return $available_locations;
            	 * }, 10, 4 );

2023.03.01 - version 3.3.0
    * Update: WP and WC version compatibility.
    * Update: PHP 8 compatibility.
    * Update: HPOS compatibility.

2022.04.06 - version 3.2.18
    * Update:  Only clear the transients when the operation being performed is not a bulk operation, such as saving a menu.
    * Update:  WP and WC version compatibility tags.

2021.07.21 - version 3.2.17
    * Update:  Use full relative paths for file includes to solve problems with some hosting providers PHP  7.4 configuration.
    * New:  Add filter, woocommerce_catalog_restrictions_allow_editors, to allow users who can edit_posts cap to bypass Catalog Visibility Options.
    * Update:  WP and WC version compatibility tags.

2021.07.15 - version 3.2.16
    * Update:  WP and WC version compatibility tags.

2021.02.12 - version 3.2.15
    * Update:  WP and WC version compatibility tags.

2021.01.04 - version 3.2.14
    * Update:  WP and WC version compatibility tags.
    * Fix:  Fix issue with compatibility for WooCommerce Bookings

2020.10.15 - version 3.2.12
    * Update:  WP and WC version compatibility tags.
    * Update:  Added several checks inside of the filters so that page builders who call actions and filters incorrectly with missing variables will not break.

2020.08.25 - version 3.2.11
    * Update:  WP and WC version compatibility tags.

2020.06.25 - version 3.2.10
    * Update: Make sure that the cb column exists before trying to unset it.  Prevents warnings in the product category admin on some sites.

2020.05.06 - version 3.2.9
    * Update:  Make sure locations returned for a product are in array format.
    * Update:  WP and WC version compatibility tags.

2020.03.30 - version 3.2.8
    * Update:  Version bump

2020.03.27 - version 3.2.7
    * Fix:  Fix warning on settings tab.
    * Update:  Clean up some older labels.
    * Update:  Move location picker shortcode to template.  To override, place /lib/woocommerce-catalog-restrictions/templates/location-picker.php inside of your theme's woocommerce folder.
    * Update:  Correct for add to cart button not being hidden properly.

2020.02.25 - version 3.2.6
    * Update:  Validate WC() is not null before setting sessions.  Apparently some plugins cause issues with the WC() instance.
    * Update:  Correct previous publish date.
    * Update:  Check for correct WooCommerce class name in session handler.

2020.02.19 - version 3.2.5
    * Update:  Filter WooCommerce related products query.
    * Update:  Added basic caching on the restrictions look up.
    * Update:  Remove legacy filtering code.
    * Update:  Added filters to filter products rendered using the AbstractProductGrid class, notably Gutenberg product blocks.
    * Update:  Unbind filters before WooCommerce generates emails.  It appears that some payment gateways mistakenly call the price_html filters somehow during
                    the email process, therefore catalog visibility options filters it out.
    * Update session handling code to prevent extensions from calling init without WC being loaded.

2019.04.18 - version 3.2.4
    * Update:  Remove deprecated function calls for WC 3.6

2019.02.27 - version 3.2.3
    * Update:  Include template for variation data for when purchases disabled but prices enabled.
    * Update:  WC and WP version updates.

2019.01.02 - version 3.2.2
    * Update:  Check for output buffer before filtering.
    * Update:  Check rendered content in after cart button, fixes issues with themes which call woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button inside of their own variable.php
    * Update:  Clean up alternate variation HTML to remove duplicate divs

2018.10.23 - version 3.2.1
    * Update:  Modify the category filters so that the store default is taken into account.
            The individual category rules will override the store defaults in a sensible way.
    * Update:  WC tested to 3.5.

2018.08.22 - version 3.2.0
    * New:  Add location filters to individual products for who can purchase and who can view prices.
    * New:  Add role and location filters to categories for who can purchase and who can view prices.
    * New:  Update location filters to be inclusive or exclusive on individual products.
    * Update:  Update API in prep for the Product Data Tables move in WC core.
    * Update:  Allow adding to the cart even if prices are disabled.
    * Fix:  Fix issue where "What locations can view this product" were not compatible with newer versions of WooCommerce.

2018.06.08 - version 3.1.3
    * Fix:  Fix issue with the extension not hiding add to cart button for simple products.

2018.06.05 - version 3.1.2
    * Fix:  Fix issue with duplicate variation descriptions being output, due to the change in hook order in WC core 3.4.1
    * Update:  Merge logic between the separate filtering functions for global and product level.
    * Update:  Code refactorings to support the logic move.  More to come in 3.1.4
    * Fix:  Fix problem with un-setting product offers.
    * Fix   Fix formatting of location selector.
    * Update: Version bump.  Tested to WordPress 4.9.6.
    * Update: WC tested up to: 3.4.2.
    * Update: Add support to target Guest roles in product specific pricing and purchasing rules.
    * New:  New Filter - Added catalog_visibility_alternate_cart_item_price_html
    * New:  New Filter - Added catalog_visibility_alternate_price_html
    * New:  Added option to allow management of product visibility by States / Regions in addition to Countries.

2018.03.16 - version 3.1.1
    * Update:  Version updates.
    * Update:  Filter variation JSON data display_price and display_regular_price
    * Update:  Delete wc_loop transients when clearing cached product restrictions.

2017.11.27 - version 3.1.0
    * Update:  Move Product Restrictions metabox inside of WooCommerce Product Metabox
    * Fix:  Fix an issue where setting prices to "Everyone" on a variable product
            when prices were disabled globally would not work properly.

2017.09.29 - version 3.0.3
    * Update:  Filter woocommerce shortcode transients so catalog visibility rules apply properly.
    * Update:  Filter product structured data if user can not view price.

2017.08.29 - version 3.0.2
    * Update:  Provide compatibility with WooCommerce Paypal Express on single product pages by hiding the paypal button when user
                can not purchase the product.

2017.05.08 - version 3.0.1
    * Update:  Remove pass by references which were raising warnings in PHP 7x

2017-04-01 - version 3.0.0
 * Fix: Update for WC 3.0 compatibility.

2016-10-11 - version 2.8.4
 * Update:  When prices are hidden, still allow variation descriptions to show up.   This update overrides the javascript template used to build the variation
            markup, removing the price div.
 * Update:  Hide variable subscription prices when a user does not have access to view prices.

2016-08-23 - version 2.8.3
 * Update:  Correctly return instances from the singletons.

2016-06-02 - version 2.8.2
 * Update:  Change transient caching to cache by role(s) rather than individual session ID.
  Caching by individual session ID was causing too many transients to be added to the options
  table, which would never be removed since unauthenticated users will always get a new customer ID
  until a WooCommerce session is started.
  Note, unless filtered unauthenticated users are cached with a "guest" role.

2016-05-25 - version 2.8.1
 * Fix:  Remove quantity box and stock status when purchase or prices are disabled.
 * Update:  Include stock status if WooCommerce Wishlists is active since users can still add the item to a wishlist.

2016-05-04 - version 2.8.0
 * Update:  WC 2.6 Compatibility
 * Update:  Uses new termmeta table when it's present for filters.
 * Update:  Remove unused call to chosen() library.
 * Update:  Update installer to use the termmeta table when present.

2016-04-26 - version 2.7.2
 * Update:  Hook into cart validation to disallow items from ever being added to the cart by any means.
 * Update:  Only activate a WC session if required by location selector.
 * Update:  Update the variation template to use the new action, wc_cvo_after_single_variation, which is in the correct location inside of the variable template.
 * Update:  Update tested up to for WordPress.

2016-01-06 - version 2.7.1
 * Fix:  Fix the location selector when choosing a specific location(s) for a product category.
 * Fix:  Correct the size of the help tip icons to match the rest of the admin area.

2015-10-16 - version 2.7.0
 * Update:   Use a filter to filter the add to cart button on the shop archive page.
   Fixes issues with themes who use custom handling to render out the button.

2015-09-15 - version 2.6.8
 * Update:  Allow add to cart even when prices are disabled.  Set prices to disabled and
   use the filter catalog_visibility_user_can_purchase to return true.

2015-08-19 - version 2.6.7
 * Update:  Fix notice for WP 4.3 constructor style.

2015-08-13 - version 2.6.6
 * Enhancement:  Better compatibility with Bookings.

2015-07-30 - version 2.6.5
 * Fix:  Prevent filters from running if woocommerce_init has not been fired yet. Fixes issue with WP SEO News plugin.

2015-07-27 - version 2.6.4
 * Update: Update logon form to use built in WC handlers rather than WP Core. Prevents users from being redirected to wp-login.php

2015-07-21 - version 2.6.3
 * Update:  WC 2.4 Compatibility
 * Fix:  Fix error when doing cron when restrictions are on from the 2.6.2 update.

2015-06-30 - version 2.6.2
 * Update:  Do not run catalog restrictions which rely on a session ID or logged on user ID when doing CRON jobs.

2015-05-21 - version 2.6.1
 * Update:  Move the template_redirect filter to priority 11 to prevent issues when calling is_product() before redirect_canonical is called
   and you are attempting to access a page with custom WC query_vars.

2015-05-11 - version 2.6.0
 * Update:  Add caching to the taxonomy filters.
 * Fix:     Remove debug code which was causing the plugin to disable caching of some queries.
 * Fix:    Remove .none reset class since it is no longer being used.

2015-04-21 - version 2.5.10
 * Fix - Potential XSS with add_query_arg

2015-04-05 - version 2.5.9
 * Update:  Adds a workaround to the taxonomy filter to resolve a bug in how wp_get_term_args handles include and exclude values.
   This allows us to filter the categories which are shown in the product category shortcode.

2015-03-8 - version 2.5.8
 * Update:  PHP tag cleanup.
 * Update:  Added filter to category widget to filter out categories the user does not have access to.

2015-02-20 - version 2.5.7
 * Feature: Adds option to use Geo Location lib to automatically select a users location. Default is Yes.
 * Fix: Make sure the WC Session object is initialized before accessing it.
 * Fix: Make sure the session is not accessed on WP_CRON jobs.

2015-02-13 - version 2.5.6
 * Adds option to clear the cart when a user changes their location.

2015-02-12 - version 2.5.5
 * Only check and set session variables on front end requests.

2014-12-03 - version 2.5.4
 * Use compatibility class to load the woocommerce object in the query filters.
 * Add very agressive session checks to ensure a session object is available before attempting to reterive the customer ID.

2014-12-01 - version 2.5.3
 * Clear cached visibility options when a user registers.
 * Added filter to allow modification of the redirect URL after a user selects a location.
  * woocommerce_catalog_restrictions_redirect_on_location
   * $url : The url where the user will be redirected after choosing their location.

2014-11-25 - version 2.5.2
 * Enhancement:  Added filter to allow filtering of the roles gathered for a user.  This filter is usually used to give both logged in users in a specific role
  or unauthenticated users the rights to see a specific product category.
  * woocommerce_catalog_restrictions_get_roles_for_current_user($roles);
   * $roles:  array key, value set of roles used to determine which products can be viewed.

2014-10-30 - version 2.5.1
 * Additional action added for Wishlist Compatibility
 * Fixes warning in the installer of a missing file in WooCommerce 2.2x

2014-09-03 - version 2.5.0
 * WC 2.2 compatibility.
 * Fix location selector loop by forcing WooCommerce to actually start a session when a session starts.
 * Added new option which disables the selection of new location after first selection has been made.
   This is configurable on the Visibility Options settings page.

2014-07-23 - version 2.4.7
 * Fix to prevent products with restrictions from effecting other products when viewed on archive pages.

2014-05-22 - version 2.4.6
 * Fix to allow shortcodes with quoted attributes.

2014-02-12 - version 2.4.5
 * CSS Tweaks for WC 2.1x

2014-02-11 - version 2.4.4
 * WC2.1 Compat, fix Call to undefined function wc_create_page()

2014-01-25 - version 2.4.3
 * Store user location selection in user meta, not just in session data.
 * Added User Profile fields to allow selection of location.
 * Added User Profile fields to allow administrators to enable or disable user's changing of location.

2014-01-16 - version 2.4.2
 * Fix incorrect check for WooCommerce 2.1 in installation script.

2014-01-09 - version 2.4.1
 * Added compatibility with WooCommerce Wishlists.  Users can add items they can not purchase to a WishList.

2014-01-05 - version 2.4.0
 * Added compatibility for WooCommerce 2.1x
 * Change location filter to be off by default.

2013-10-29 - version 2.3.2
 * Update: Use generic get_price_html filter to allow better compatibility with some plugins.

2013-08-28 - version 2.3.1
 * Fix: Do not save empty restrictions to the term meta table
 * Fix: DB update script to remove invalid restrictions from the term meta table on activation.
 * Update: Clear filter transients on plugin update / activation.

2013-07-26 - version 2.3.0
 * Update: Remove variable price HTML when users can not view prices.

2013-07-11 - version 2.2.9
 * Update:  Text domain and minior loclization updates.

2013-06-29 - version 2.2.8
 * Update: Compatibility with Bulk Variations

2013-06-23 - version 2.2.7
 * Update: Use WooCommerce Sessions for hosts that are not compatibile with starndard PHP sessions.
 * Update: Moved location picker post handler to woocommerce_init to fire sooner.
 * Fix: SQL query syntax update to prevent WPML SQL conflicts.

2013-06-06 - version 2.2.6
 * Update:  Product specific rules will now override the global settings.

2013-06-03 - version 2.2.5
 * Update: Version number changes only.

2013-05-25 - version 2.2.3
 * Fix: When both simple and advanced rules prevented purchases, the "View Product" button was displayed twice.

2013-05-07 - version 2.2.2
 * Fix: Unable to remove alternate content in settings
 * Fix: AJAX add to cart

2013-04-22 - version 2.2.1
 * Update:  Set priority on filters to filter gravity forms and product add on options.

2013-04-02 - version 2.2.0
 * Performance Tweaks

2013-03-12 - version 2.1.1
 * Tweak output buffering for compatibility with WP SEO
 * More updates to the way the logon form shortcode is handled, covering more situations now.

2013-03-08 - version 2.1
 * Fixes javascript error with chosen select
 * Update to use before and after form filters so the entire form is filtered, not just the add to cart button.
    Allows use of logon form directly on product pages.

2013-01-01 - version 2.0
 * Added Location Filters
 * Added options to completely remove products or product categories from the shop for specific roles
 * Added price visibility options for specific roles to products and product categories
 * Added purchase options for specific roles to products and product categories
 * Fixes for HTML in settings area

2012-12-04 - version 1.1.3
 * New updater

2012-11-09 - version 1.1.2
 * Don't strip html from content field

2012-04-02 - version 1.1.1
 * Allow variable products to display price, but hide cart

2012-03-02 - version 1.1
 * Added filter to allow theme developers to control when users should see prices and be able to make purchases.
 * Added filters to allow theme developers to modify the alternate contents

2012-02-25 - version 1.0.1
 * Tweaked WC detection

2012-02-16 - version 1.0
 * First release

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