WooCommerce Coupon Restrictions Changelog

The latest version is WooCommerce Coupon Restrictions 2.2.2, Released on February 5, 2024

Changelog for WooCommerce Coupon Restrictions

  *** WooCommerce Coupon Restrictions Changelog ***

2024-02-05 - version 2.2.2

* Bugfix: Add explicit check for array type for meta values that require it.

2023-04-07 - version 2.2.1

* Bugfix: Fatal error on subscription renewal with coupon applied due to missing class.

2023-03-09 - version 2.2.0

* Feature: WP CLI command to add historic order data to verification table.
* Update: Improve documentation around enhanced usage limits.
* Update: Declare compatibility for High Performance Order Storage.

2023-02-10 - version 2.1.0

* Bugfix: Coupon verification records were not storing properly on checkouts with payment.
* Bugfix: Show compatibility notice if WooCommerce is not active.

2023-01-02 - version 2.0.0

* Update: Major plugin rewrite.
* Enhancement: Enhanced usage limits to help reduce coupon fraud.

2022-11-09 - version 1.8.6

* Update: Tested to WooCommerce 7.1.0.
* Update: Migrate inline admin javascript to enqueued file.

2022-03-06 - version 1.8.5

* Bugfix: Rename translation file.
* Update: Migrate inline javascript to file.

2022-01-12 - version 1.8.4

* Bugfix: Display specific coupon validation messages during ajax checkout validation.
* Update: Tested to WooCommerce  6.1.0.
* Update: WooCommerce 4.8.1 or higher required.

2021-03-28 - version 1.8.3

* Enhancement: Adds "Guest (No Account)" option to the roles restriction.

2021-01-12 - version 1.8.2

* Enhancement: Reduces use of coupon meta by only storing non-default values.
* Update: Tested to WooCommerce  4.8.0.
* Update: PHP 7.0 or higher required.
* Update: WooCommerce 3.9.0 or higher required.

2020-06-14 - version 1.8.1

* Enhancement: Add all countries easily for country restriction.
* Enhancement: Improved automated testing suite.
* Update: Tested to WooCommerce 4.2.0.

2019-09-25 - version 1.8.0

* Enhancement: Zip code restrictions now allow wildcard matches.
* Enhancement: Filter to skip pre-checkout validation.
* Bugfix: If user is logged in and has no orders associated with their account but does have previous guest orders, those guest orders will now be checked to verify if customer is a new customer when "check guest orders" is selected.

2019-03-12 - version 1.7.2

* Bugfix: Fixes 500 when saving coupons in specific server environments.

2019-03-03 - version 1.7.1

* Enhancement: Adds ability to restrict coupon by state.

2019-02-11 - version 1.7.0

* Update: New setting for new/existing customer verification method. Defaults to account check.
* Bugfix: Resolves bug applying coupon when there is no session (subscription renewals). Props @giantpeach.

2018-07-17 - version 1.6.2

* Bugfix: PHP5.6 compatibility fixes for onboarding script.

2018-06-21 - version 1.6.1

* Update: Use WooCommerce data store methods for saving and reading coupon meta.
* Update: WC_Coupon_Restrictions() now returns shared instance of class rather than singleton.
* Bugfix: Display onboarding notice on initial activation.
* Bugfix: If the session data is blank for country or zipcode, a coupon with location restrictions will now apply until session or checkout has data to validate it.

2018-06-15 - version 1.6.0

* Enhancement: Coupon validation now uses stored session data.
* Enhancement: Checkout validation now uses $posted data.
* Update: Additional unit and integration tests.
* Update: Returns a main instance of the class to avoid the need for globals.

2018-05-17 - version 1.5.0

* Update: Improve coupon validation messages.
* Update: Use "Zip code" as default label.
* Update: Improve customer restriction UX. Use radio buttons rather than select.
* Update: Adds "Location Restrictions" checkbox. Additional options display when checked.
* Update: Country restriction only permits selection of countries that shop currently sells to.
* Update: New onboarding flow that shows where the new coupon options are located.
* Bugfix: Bug with new customer coupon validation at checkout.

2018-02-15 - version 1.4.1

* Update: Remove upgrade routine.

2017-12-27 - version 1.4.0

* Enhancement: Adds option to restrict location based on shipping or billing address.
* Enhancement: Adds option to restrict to postal code or zip code.
* Update: Use WooCommerce order wrapper to fetch orders.
* Update: Organize plugin into multiple classes.
* Update: Upgrade script for sites using earlier version of plugin.
* Update: Unit test framework added.

2017-01-31 - version 1.3.0

* Enhancement: Adds option to restrict to existing customers.
* Enhancement: Adds option to restrict by shipping country.
* Update: Compatibility updates for WooCommerce 2.7.0.

2016-11-25 - version 1.2.0

* Update: Compatibility updates for WooCommerce 2.6.8.

2015-12-28 - version 1.1.0

* Bugfix: Coupons without the new customer restriction were improperly marked invalid for logged in users.
* Bugfix: Filter woocommerce_coupon_is_valid in addition to woocommerce_coupon_error.

2015-06-18 - version 1.0.0

* Initial release.

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