WooCommerce Customize My Account Version 0.4.0 Changelog

Here’s what’s changed in WooCommerce Customize My Account Version 0.4.0

* Fix: translation issues.
* Fix: Frontend styles applied after some delay.
* Fix: Dynamic CSS invalid property.
* Fix: Endpoint and debug settings.
* Added: Group accordion icon enable/disable setting.
* Added: Customizer preview shortcut buttons.
* Added: Navigation active state customize options.
* Feature: Customizer reset.
* Feature: Navigation hover state customize options.
* Feature: Custom content position option.
* Enhancement: Support WPML and Polylang translation plugins.
* Enhancement: Loading of frontend scripts.
* Enhancement: Improve compatibility with other WC plugins.
* Enhancement: Group accordion feature.

View the full WooCommerce Customize My Account Changelog

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