The latest version is WooCommerce Dropshipping 5.1.7, Released on February 8, 2025
Changelog for WooCommerce Dropshipping
*** WooCommerce AliExpress Dropshipping Changelog ***
2025-02-08 - version 5.1.7
* Fix: PLUGINS-2098 - Resoleved typing errors.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2531 - Enhance the Dropshipping Plugin with automated email notifications and compatibility with shipment tracking plugin.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2884 - Update Aliexpress API to allow AVIF image format for product import.
2024-12-23 - version 5.1.6
* Fix: PLUGINS-2661 - Dashboard timeout issue.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2740 - Undefined Function e_() in packingslip.html.
* Fix: PLUGIN-2661 - Fixed the error for call undefined function cal_days_in_month()
2024-09-26 - version 5.1.5
* Fix: PLUGINS-2655 - Incompatibility with Checkout Blocks.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2676 - Critical Issue with the Latest Version.
2024-09-19 - version 5.1.4
* Remove: PLUGINS-2097 - Remove unused code "Hide suppliers name" setting.
* Update: PLUGINS-2086 - Improvements in profit calculator.
2024-07-24 - version 5.1.3
* Fix: PLUGINS-2102 - Adjust Dashoard best selling products display.
* Update: PLUGINS-2507 - Enhance packing slip presentation by modifying billing address placeholder if hidden.
2024-06-06 - version 5.1.2
* Fix: PLUGINS-2500 - Fix PHP warnings on order status transition preventing correct workflow for suppliers.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2494 - Profit Calculator Fix PHP Errors when values are Undefined.
2024-05-27 - version 5.1.1
* Fix: PLUGINS-2575 - Implement authentication for REST API endpoint access via CBE.
2024-05-07 - version 5.1.0
* Fix: PLUGINS-2571 - Add a permission callback to the REST API endpoint to restrict access.
2024-04-16 - version 5.0.9
* Add: PLUGINS-2503 - Further Multilingual support.
2024-03-21 - version 5.0.8
* Fix: PLUGINS-1936 - Dropshipping Dashboard inaccessible because of memory limit.
* Add: PLUGINS-2120 - Add support for variations CSV stock import.
2024-02-29 - version 5.0.7
* Update: PLUGINS-2457 - Enhance security for 'send-email' REST API Endpoint.
2024-02-15 - version 5.0.6
* Fix: PLUGINS-2466 - Email Template HTML Display Error.
2024-01-22 - version 5.0.5
* Fix: PLUGINS-2351 - Fix Supplier PDF attachment file names.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2366 - Replace hardcoded references to Admin url with get_admin_url().
* Fix: PLUGINS-2367 - Correct button link.
2024-01-16 - version 5.0.4
* Fix: PLUGINS-2388 - Woo QI Test Issues.
2023-12-22 - version 5.0.3
* Fix: PLUGINS-2233 - Supplier Email Notifications. Saving Settings should remain on same tab.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2100 - Importing of CSV inventory causes fatal error.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2101 - Additional comments not displayed.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2180 - Woo Security Scan Issues.
2023-12-12 - version 5.0.2
* Fix: PLUGINS-2372 - HPOS adjustment.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2211 - Fix postcode field type.
* Update: PLUGINS-2278 - Improvement on the Order list page of suppliers.
2023-11-15 - version 5.0.1
* Fix: PLUGINS-2270 - Don't send on-hold cancellation orders to suppliers.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2277 - Fix page redirects to 404 not found after clicking the mark as shipped link at supplier's email.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2119 - Fix layout issue under the supplier's page.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2340 - Dashboard missing data.
2023-11-06 - version 5.0.0
* Fix: PLUGINS-1885 - Error when doing a product import.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2223 - Fix the Dropshipping plugin altering the default subtotal field of WC emails.
* Update: PLUGINS-2253 - Include the customers phone number in the packing slip.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2339 - Order number not displayed on packing slip.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2341 - Fatal error when updating order status for Aliexpress imported products.
2023-09-26 - version 4.9.9
* Fix: PLUGINS-2200 - Dropshipping plugin overwrites custom WooCommerce email templates.
2023-08-02 - version 4.9.8
* Fix: PLUGINS-2158 - Fix error on a variable product type.
* Update: PLUGINS-2172 - Settings review improvements.
2023-07-19 - version 4.9.7
* Update: PLUGINS-1908 - Woo HPOS Compatibility Audit/Upgrade.
2023-06-01 - version 4.9.6
* Fix: PLUGINS-2151 - Fix include the customers phone number in the packing slip.
* New: PLUGINS-2165 - New End point to support CBE Bug report functionality in PLUGINS-2054.
2023-04-26 - version 4.9.5
* Fix: PLUGINS-2115 - Fix invalid options under Packing slip.
2023-03-31 - version 4.9.4
* Fix: PLUGINS-2087 - Page Speed Issue. Fix query errors on order page.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2091 - Fix errors related to price calculator and do regression testing for packing slip.
2023-03-20 - version 4.9.3
* Fix: PLUGINS-2028 - Fix invalid string format for translation compatibility.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2079 - Fix upsell notification keeps on showing even after closing.
2023-03-14 - version 4.9.2
* Update: PLUGINS-1946 - Email and PDF formatting adjustments
* Fix: PLUGINS-2006 - Fix edit supplier and packing slip errors. Add missing field on the packing slip.
2023-03-07 - version 4.9.1
* Update: PLUGINS-1993 - Woo Review Issues.
2023-03-01 - version 4.9.0
* Feature: PLUGINS-1320 - Profit Calculator.
2023-02-10 - version 4.8.0
* Add: PLUGINS-1849 - Bulk Action to Publish imported products to Live.
2023-02-03 - version 4.7.0
* Fix: PLUGINS-1977 - Warnings in Supplier Order Complete email
* Update: PLUGINS-1848 - Suppliers column display issues.
* Fix: PLUGINS-1784 - Dropshipping dashboard messed up when both plugins are activated.
2022-12-15 - version 4.6.0
* PLUGINS-1803 - Naming function collisions changes.
* PLUGINS-1616 - Update deprecated functions.
* PLUGINS-1661 - Fix compatibility with other custom ID number generator plugin.
* PLUGINS-1818 - Suppliers account customisation.
2022-10-31 - version 4.5.0
* PLUGINS-1792 - Fix GST tax split on emails and settings.
* PLUGINS-1644 - Implement Woo dependency.
* PLUGINS-1570 - Fix Mark as shipped and View Orders link in packing slip.
2022-10-13 - version 4.4.0
* PLUGINS-1772 - Fix rounding off product prices.
* PLUGINS-1539 - Fix Array notice errors.
* PLUGINS-1785 - Add dash notice for Pro add on for Dropshipping.
* PLUGINS-1655 - Fix plugin compatibility issues with newer PHP 8.
* PLUGINS-1791 - Fix Unauthenticated SQLi.
2022-09-08 - version 4.3.0
* PLUGINS-1459 - Fix wrong price format in supplier's email.
* PLUGINS-1670 - Fix code that slows down website.
* PLUGINS-1656 - Fix rounding off empty price error.
* PLUGINS-1501 - Fix notice when there is no shipping country filled up.
* PLUGINS-1631 - Don't send cancellation orders to supplier if the order came from 'On Hold' order status.
2022-07-28 - version 4.2.0
* PLUGINS-1233 - Add a filter by supplier in order page.
* PLUGINS-1423 - Show company name in Shipping Address of Packingslip.
* PLUGINS-1348 - Fix missing selected data in Packing slips.
* PLUGINS-1354 - Fix mark order as ship option in supplier's mail doesn't work.
* PLUGINS-1458 - Fix wrong textdomain in supplier's email notification.
2022-07-14 - version 4.1.0
* PLUGINS-1475 - Additional columns in packingslip added in latest release.
* PLUGINS-1444 - Fix Mobile menu.
2022-03-31 - version 4.0.0
* PLUGINS-1251 - Add link to suppliers email notification directing to "Order list page" of the supplier's dashboard.
* PLUGINS-1246 - Fix Other shipping and billing details have changed.
* PLUGINS-1247 - Fix Cost of goods value rounding off.
* PLUGINS-1290 - Add specific languages to be included in our plugin.
* PLUGINS-1244 - Fix POD, Tracking number not showing in order page list.
* PLUGINS-1235 - Fix some words in the packing slip are not translatable.
* PLUGINS-136 - Get tracking details.
* PLUGINS-1321 - Profit Graph.
* PLUGINS-583 - Variation for "update product" endpoint not deleting variation as on CBE.
* PLUGINS-1079 - Fix PDF library issues.
* PLUGINS-1365 - Settings are getting reset after updating the plugin(automatic updates).
2022-02-25 - version 3.9.0
* PLUGINS-1394 - Add Compatibility for upcoming Dropshipping Pro.
2022-01-07 - version 3.8.0
* PLUGINS-1206 - Fix GST tax split for order containing produts from multiple supplier.
* PLUGINS-1230 - Fix plugin returns an error when activated without 'WooCommerce plugin' activated supplier itself.
* PLUGINS-1234 - Fix deleted supplier attached to a product still showing in orders and emails.
* PLUGINS-1254 - Fix packing slip 'Comments' field under footer value not saving.
* PLUGINS-1277 - Fix menu for the Dropshippers dashboard isn't visible in mobile.
2021-10-21 - version 3.7.0
* PLUGINS-1200 - Fix Suppliers order page filter issue
* PLUGINS-1204 - Fix Remove product name that is not belong to supplier itself
* PLUGINS-1208 - Fix Admin menus gone when the plugin is activated in a multiste
* PLUGINS-1229 - Fix Attach PDF to supplier Email option
2021-09-06 - version 3.6.0
* PLUGINS-672 - Supplier role users can't access 3rd party plugin admin functionality.
* PLUGINS-841 - All prices must work with Woocommerce settings Currency options.
* PLUGINS-912 - Add option to show shipping company name on Supplier's email.
2021-08-25 - version 3.5.0
* PLUGINS-776 - Add more fields on the suppliers csv.
* PLUGINS-1046 - Suppliers attached to products can be changed after import.
2021-08-13 - version 3.4.0
* PLUGINS-300 - Export list of orders for a specific supplier.
* PLUGINS-1157 - I have added the orders filter feature. Date From and Date To options are now available as filters.
2021-08-06 - version 3.3.0
* PLUGINS-873 - Disable all inputs associated with "insert all data on PDF" checkbox.
* PLUGINS-940 - Improve suppliers order pagination.
* PLUGINS-907 - Arrange/group settings by section.
* PLUGINS-915 - Send cancel order notification to supplier.
* PLUGINS-527 - Make plugin compatible with WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro and Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce.
* PLUGINS-996 - Show country in packing slip.
2021-07-27 - version 3.2.1
* PLUGINS-1156 - ABSPATH Bug fix.
2021-07-23 - version 3.2.0
* PLUGINS-704 - Place checkboxes at start of options.
* PLUGINS-870 - Place Dropshipping settings on high level tab.
* PLUGINS-1047 - Subscriptions renewal supplier email option.
* PLUGINS-1107 - Customisation options on supplier emails and PDFs.
2021-06-23 - version 3.1.0
* PLUGINS-886 - Bug on Mark as Shipped process
* PLUGINS-577 - "Supplier" word unchangeable for language translation
* PLUGINS-1028 - Custom work Including customer email in notification
* PLUGINS-1073 - Plugin Internationalization
* PLUGINS-1080 - error in ABSPATH file path
2021-05-11 - version 3.0.0
* PLUGINS-964 - Integrate dashboard to Dropshipping code
* PLUGINS-1008 - Supplier can't be change/unlink to a product
* PLUGINS-1058 - Fix display of supplier inconsistencies in order page
2021-04-21 - version 2.14.0
* PLUGINS-965 - Add custom order number to merchant order notification email
* PLUGINS-971 - Make footer comment area background color independent
* PLUGINS-898 - Dropshipping - Add new settings to disable supplier notification
* PLUGINS-536 - Dropshipping - price format in packing slip not rounding off
* PLUGINS-695 - Dropshipping - Add quick links to Installed Plugins Screen Task
* PLUGINS-460 - Dropshipping - PHP Notice Trying to get property 'name' of non object in class wc dropshipping product.php on line 171
* PLUGINS-929 - Dropshipping - Few detatils are gone in email and PDF packing slip
* PLUGINS-1014 - Dropshipping - Merchant Orders overview duplicate Tracking Number
2021-03-12 - version 2.13.0
* PLUGINS-872 Dropshipping - Make field sizes more reasonable
* PLUGINS-920 Dropshipping - customisations
* PLUGINS-865 Add: Support for CBE 1.1
2021-02-18 - version 2.12.0
* PLUGINS-921 - Fix library file size (fonts)
* PLUGINS-860 - Add settings to hide TAX on packing slip
* PLUGINS-833 - Make wording on config screen consistent
* PLUGINS-854 - Add custom title for packing slip
2020-12-03 - version 2.11.0
* PLUGINS-822 - Fix - Update complete orders email format for supplier
* PLUGINS-762 - Fix - Update proper html coding for link for "Mark as Shipped" email link
2020-11-20 - version 2.10.0
* PLUGINS-800 - Fix - Fix bugs and improvements on Suppliers Email Notification
2020-11-12 - version 2.9.0
* PLUGINS-563 - CBE Image editor
* PLUGINS-564 - CBE Button at top to compare changes on products on uploaded products on Woo and Aliexpress
* PLUGINS-785 - Fix php notice and new CBE features.
2020-10-23 - version 2.8.0
* PLUGINS-713 - Support webp format from importing products from Aliexpress
* PLUGINS-685 - Bug on hiding price when product is not an Amazon affiliate
* PLUGINS-726 - fix admin menu gap when plugin is activated
2020-08-31 - version 2.7.0
* PLUGINS-613 - Remove Dropshipper capabilities to add a new post and view comments
* PLUGINS-584 - Hide all WordPress notification on dropshipper dashboard
* PLUGINS-615 - Wrong text on help button for packing slip settings help icon
* PLUGINS-614 - Cost of Goods export/import bug
* PLUGINS-465 - Fix Email Logo and featured image to show on email
* PLUGINS-651 - jQuery conflict with other plugins
* PLUGINS-642 - Fetch "Taxes" word from tax settings
* PLUGINS-610 - Unwanted response shows when importing CSV file
* PLUGINS-169 - Added Feature - Support for Sequential Order Numbers plugin.
* PLUGINS-716 - Fix bug "Cost of Goods" always shows on suppliers notifications when not empty
* PLUGINS-717 - Fix errors/notices/warnings on dropshipping 2.7
* PLUGINS-725 - Add admin notice on activation hook to save settings on dropshipping settings page
2020-08-26 - version 2.6.0
* PLUGINS-568 - Fixed the issue permission_callback after update wordpress version(v5.5).
* PLUGINS-574 - Removed the deprecated script .live after update the WordPress version(v5.5).
2020-08-13 - version 2.5.0
* PLUGINS-524 - Fixed the issues Hide product price from the buyer, If product type Affiliates.
* PLUGINS-519 - Added Feature - Added option "Hide Shipping Price in supplier email".
* PLUGINS-257 - Added Feature - Added option "Show Total Price in supplier email".
* PLUGINS-338 - Added Feature - Added feature to support multisite network.
* PLUGINS-431 - Added Feature - Added Separate email template for "complete order" status.
* PLUGINS-493 - Fixed Bug Show order date beside order number
* PLUGINS-494 - Fixed Bug Show user phone number to supplier
* PLUGINS-484 - Added Feature - Added Price Calculator
* PLUGINS-410 - Added Feature - Cron jobs for checking Aliexpress product on Aliexpress
* PLUGINS-533 - Added Feature - Updated deactivation hook
* PLUGINS-302 - Added Feature - Disable Aliexpress Support Settings
* PLUGINS-525 - Added Feature - Added Meta Data for Aliexpress Product
2020-06-24 - version 2.4.0
* PLUGINS-427 - Checkbox label name changed in the plugin settings.
* PLUGINS-432 - Checkbox label name changed in the plugin settings.
* PLUGINS-393 - Fixed the issues show payment method checkbox option is not working.
* PLUGINS-425 - Fixed the issues Payment Type, Image and Price labels in Language Conversion doesn’t convert.
* PLUGINS-433 - I have added the Login URL, when Supplier information is shared.
* PLUGINS-353 - Added Feature Support Amazon Affiliate.
* PLUGINS-294 - Added Feature Added option "Show 'Payment Type' in the notification email".
* PLUGINS-317 - Added Feature Update AliExpress Order Status from CBE.
* PLUGINS-426 - Fixed size of logo on PDF
* PLUGINS-429 - Fixed Bug - Added storename on CSV
2020-05-14 - version 2.3.0
* Fixed: Products edit on "quick edit" removes "All custom fields valueLike Product URL, Store Name, Store URL, Store Price Range, Currency".
* Added new feature Added the option Allow "Read notification email" to be send to merchant, as soon as dropshipper open the order notification email.
* Added the option in dropshipping settingCustomer Note into the Dropshipper packing slip.
2020-05-11 - version 2.2.0
* Fixed: "The Link is showing in the mail which is good but is also showing in the PDF which is bad.
* Added field "Description Type of Package" for both “variable†as well as “simple†products. Whatever website admin will specify in this field for each product, it will be displayed as a new column in the pdf packing slip for each product.
* Added the option in dropshipping setting Need to show "Cost of Goods" instead of actual "Selling Price" of products, in PDF packing slip.
* Added new feature Adding in shipping cost and tax fields along with subtotal for the customer to the customer packing slip
* Fixed: Tracking filter not using correctly issue fixed.
* Fixed: Shipping address formating issue fixed.
* Added new feature Now customer/merchant can Hide the message CBE required in the admin while clicking the close button.
* Fixed: Issue fixed when admin uncheck the hide supplier information on the order page from settings . Then the supplier cannot see the placed order on the Supplier Dashboard.
2020-03-03 - version 2.1.0
* Added new feature. Now customer have the ability to not receive a CC'd email, and also able to turn this ON or OFF.
* Fixed: When customer login as dropshipper role then displaying lots of menu and sub menu in dashboard section and if customer have installed elementor plugin then it also display all elementor menu and sub menu.
* Fixed: Increase image size in dropshipper PDF.
* Fixed: Issue fixed when admin unchecked these option "Show product thumbnail image and Show product prices" in dropshipping notification setting then only hide it value not hide title and also if admin unchecked this option "Show product thumbnail image" then all value row collapse.
* Fixed: Filter return nothing when tracking number inserted in dropshipper email notification.
* Feature: I have added “Cost of Goods for Supplier†feature and now merchant can hide total product selling price for supllier, and only send "Cost of Goods for Supplier" price in supplier mail notification and PDF attachement as well as send in CSV.
* Fixed: Address issues in Supplier email notification & PDF. Now Address format supported based on selected country.
* Feature: Added Email tracking feature(email open or not). If Supplier open order email first time then notification mail will send to the Admin.
* Fixed: Address issue in supplier mail notification and PDf file and fixed Warning messages.
* Fixed: Undefined Index errors Undefined index orderid
2020-01-22 - version 2.0.0
* Multiple email addresses for 1 supplier.
* Allow supplier to enter tracking number.
* Authentication Ali Dropshipping Plugin with CBE.
* Import AliExpress Products in Woo Store.
* Update AliExpress Products.
* When merchant Edit order and click on button "Place Order Automatically" Open all AliExpress product in new tabs merchant need to placed order manually on
* Merchant can change custom status After order placed on (Default AliExpress Status is "Order Pending").
* Merchant can filter order list based on pending AliExpress status(Custom Status) and completed.
2019-12-25 - version 1.2.23
* Fixed the issues when Merchant create a new supplier with multiple email.
* Fixed the issue when customer using SMTP plugin, Duplicate attachment was sent to the supplier.
* Fixed the issue when the trying to asign supplier by bulk apply option by selecting products from admin
* Fixed the issue when the customer loged in as a supplier and click on the order list and can not see orders.
2019-11-19 - version 1.2.22
* Fixed when the Customer receives the order confirmation as a supplier, several items are missing in the email, such as the price of it sold and product image. This was an error in the checkboxes status in combination. These were earlier not getting applier correctly in combination.
* Added a checkbox to send email notification to supplier in woo standard format (if this checkbox is checked), irrespective of whether SMTP is being used or not.
2019-11-04 - version 1.2.21
* Fixed all Undefined Index errors. When plugin is install for the first time on any website.
* Fixed Undefined Index. When product not assign any supplier then throw error.
* Fixed Undefined variable($append is undefined).
* Added Admin Notice. If allow_url_fopen PHP extension not install on Server.
* Fixed PDF default image size issue.
* Changed a settings label from "Send email to supplier with login details" to "When admin create a new supplier, send registration details to supplier email"
* Fixed the logo image width if not selected the content is not overlapped.
2019-10-17 - version 1.2.20
* Added custom comment field in dropshipping settings as well as in the email notification
* Added a checkbox in the plugin settings using which website admin can hide the supplier name from the Orders page on the frontend
* Added a feature using which only that shipment will be marked as complete for which the supplier clicked on the corresponding link from the notification email (and not the complete order).
* After this release, for the already existing orders in all the websites, the corresponding "Mark as complete" links will no more work from notification emails (because earlier they were marking the order itself as complete and this was a bug).
* For all the new orders that will be placed, the "Mark as complete" link will work as desired.
* After this release, the order will be marked as complete only if all the suppliers asociated with the order, has marked their shipment as complete.
2019-09-24 - version 1.2.19
* Show country name in shipping address in the attachments.
* Color scheme option. The dropshipping emails now uses the color scheme options of woocommerce.
* Option to hide the supplier name on confirmation email.
* New setting 'Send email to supplier with login details' checkbox in backend dropshipping settings area
* If the above setting is checked, only then supplier will recieve email with login details.
* CSV Import feature to update stock quantity of corresponding product on the website (as per the quantity mentioned in the CSV file for that supplier)
* Option in dropshipping email settings, so that admin can customize the notification email labels as per his wish (labels can now be in any language)
* The feature to show account number of the supplier in an email attachment (if its mentioned in supplier settings)
* Removed certain error logs appearing in debug.log file
2019-08-21 - version 1.2.18
* New setting 'Show user phone number to supplier' checkbox in backend dropshipping settings area
* If the above setting is checked, then customers phone number will also be sent in the notification email as well as attached pdf
* Updated the TCPDF library to the new stable version 6.2.25. This will remove all corresponding errors those were coming in error logs
* There were certain woo hooks (e.g. create_term, delete_term, save_post) those were written in the plugin starting from the beginning. Those are corrected.
* Corrected certain code standards while assigning supplier role to the created suppliers.
* jquery ui module was earlier imported from CDN. Changed it to get imported using wp standards.
2019-07-08 - version 1.2.17
* When Add supplier auto create user with dropshipper role and recieve login detail through email.
* Dropshipper login with detail and check order list.
* Dropshipper mark order complete from order list section.
* Dropshipper print packing slip from supplier area.
* Dropshipper Add Order Shipping info like date,Shipping Company,notes etc.
* Shipping info Show into order detail page in admin area.
2019-07-01 - version 1.2.16
* Fixed - corrupted pdf in mail attachment.
* PDF attachment recieve in mail according backend checkbox selection.
2019-06-18 - version 1.2.15
* Add Function - Reciever not recieve email if product is digital product.
2019-06-18 - version 1.2.14
* Update TCPDF library
* Update woocommerce deprecated functions
2019-06-11 - version 1.2.13
* Removed unwanted text from supplier mail subject.
* get_woocommerce_term_meta() update this function with new function get_term_meta().
* Woocommerce admin order page Dropship Supplier column, If the Order is not a Drop Ship order, then it should show nothing in this column else show supplier name, product name and quantity.
* fix dbug.log file errors.
* Term condition update.
* Condition for Customer doesn't wants to send pdf in mail for supplier.
* Update TCPDF library
2019-05-20 - version 1.2.12
* Fixed double pdf attachement
* Fixed tooltip in dropshiiping email settings
* Fixed completion order link in mail
* Allow website admin to add "From Name" and "From Email ID" in dropshipping email settings, via which email notifications will be sent
* Provided an option to website admin, to sent email notifications via SMTP or PHP mail
* Fixed - 500 error while modifying supplier email id
* Fixed - Product Variation not showing in PDF and Email.
* Order Completion email for supplier option from backend.
* Send "mark order complete" URL link in PDF and Email.
* Fixed - Corrupted pdf issue in webmail.
2019-04-17 - version 1.2.11
* fixed - customer recieve csv file in mail if disable csv option from backend.
* fieed - Admin recieve multiple mail of same order.
2019-04-10 - version 1.2.10
* Fixed - Refund section not showing.
* Create Dropship user automatic.
* Supplier mark order complete with link in pdf and email.
2019-03-29 - version 1.2.9
* Add Supplier on Order Listing page in admin
* Add Supplier on Order Detail page in admin
* Add Bulk Assign product supplier for product
* Billing User Email In PDF and Email.
2019-03-28 - version 1.2.8
* Fixed 'r' append in end of cc email id.
* Update variation function wc3 compatible.
* Send Email to supplier when order place and order complete.
* Send Billing User email in pdf.
* Changes in pdf slip layout.
* Correct logo appearance in pdf slip.
* PDF Data customization From admin.
2019-02-22 - version 1.2.7
* Update supplier email to include CSV attachment.
2019-02-15 - version 1.2.6
* Update supplier email to support Outlook and various email clients.
* Packing slip updated to include HTML and Text versions.
2019-02-06 - version 1.2.5
* Resolve supplier email bug.
2019-01-25 - version 1.2.4
* Update to support both HTML and Text Supplier emails.
2018-08-15 - version 1.2.3
* Add Order Notes to the Packing Slip.
2018-05-14 - version 1.2.2
* Fixed packing slip to include all product variation information
2017-09-15 - version 1.2.1
* Fixed packing slip not showing correct order ID
* Fixed custom packing slip directory points to old plugin name
2017-09-06 - version 1.2.0
* Fix for can't save CSV Indicator column
* Add customer company name to supplier email/PDF
* Fix for WooCommerce Order Number is Not Included on packing slip
* Add compatibility with Product Add Ons extension
2017-06-08 - version 1.1.2
* Fix - Update the plugin header to include the new Woo keys.
2017-05-25 - version 1.1.1
* Product variation attribute information included on packing slip
2017-02-23 - version 1.1.0
* Adjustable PDF header logo width in settings
* Product shipping information included on packing slip
* Product attribute information included on packing slip
2016-10-18 - version 1.0.0
* Initial release.
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